Tang quantity question in a 120 DT

Deep Reef

Active member
Just wondering if anyone is running a 120-125 gallon DT with 3 tangs? If you are, which ones do you have?

I currently have a convict tang and a yellow. All is happy. Thinking of adding a power blue or possibly a Kole, but I'm afraid that may be too much.

I also thought about a one spot fox face but I hear they will sometimes pick at corals.

Just pondering.
My tank has similar dimensions to a 120, slightly longer and wider, and I have a powder blue and a yellow. No way in hell would another tang work. My powder blue is too big and too aggressive. I don't know how big convicts get but a yellow and 2 bristletooth tangs would be pushing it but probably doable. Any of the larger tangs no way.

FWIW this is the main reason I really want a larger tank. Too bad no room and no permission lol.....
Yeah I have 2 tangs in my tank and im starting to get annoyed with mainly my powder blue. I have the dimensions of a 100g tank.

The powder blue likes to thrash about in the tank I assume due to a smaller space and hes the king of the tank and pretty much the largest fish I have in the tank. It causes a lot of issues with the corals since he will break branches of my SPS colonies making a lot of unintended frags that dont make it. Plus he is very dominant over his other tank mates besides the yellow tang.

Great and beautiful fish tho dont get me wrong. I just have a tank too small for his needs :/

2 is stretching it in a tank of that size. 3 is overkill imo.
If it's a 4-foot tank then two tangs max for sure, but a 5 or 6 foot tank, then you can definitely add more! Just my experience
Thanks for the opinions they were very helpful. I'm going to leave things the way they are. Right now I am drama less so that's a good thing. I have to stick with maybe adding another wrasse instead
I have a four foot frag tank and I have two tangs. A desjardini and purple tang. I doubt I could get away with adding another. Then again i've seen people stock up a 120 with strictly tangs but I do not recommend it.
purple , Powder blue ,blond naso, hippo and a fox face in a 90
its all how they are added i tried to add in a yellow and all hell broke loose
so is it doable yeah it is if its done right and your lucky (always risks )
yeah yeah yeah tang police !!!! their new tank is being built :) 250