New member
Hi, I'm new to reef central and to reef keeping in general. I hope you all can help me with a problem. I have a 120 gal tank with a 30 gal sump. It has been set up for about 7 months. Everything is doing very well. Water quality is good. I have a high quality protein skimmer and will soon put in my calcium reactor. Right now all that is in the tank is about 3 inches of sand, alot of various clean up kritters, three common clowns, a yellow tang, four damsels, two engineer gobies (which are driving me nuts!) a bubble tip anemone, and a long tip anemone. There is also quite alot of live rock, although it always looks to me like I need more. This tank is so large it will take alot of rock. I also have about four corals. Everything is going great but I would really like another tang. I did not realize when I bought the original yellow you have to add tangs all at the same time. I was a little chicken at that time about adding fish. I let the tank cycle and sit with just live rock and damsels for four months till I was sure it was ready. My question is (finally!) is it possible to add another tang now? I really like the Naso tangs but I am concerned they will fight. If adding another tang is not wise could you suggest a good alternative? A butterfly? Thank you very much!!