

New member
Hi, I'm new to reef central and to reef keeping in general. I hope you all can help me with a problem. I have a 120 gal tank with a 30 gal sump. It has been set up for about 7 months. Everything is doing very well. Water quality is good. I have a high quality protein skimmer and will soon put in my calcium reactor. Right now all that is in the tank is about 3 inches of sand, alot of various clean up kritters, three common clowns, a yellow tang, four damsels, two engineer gobies (which are driving me nuts!) a bubble tip anemone, and a long tip anemone. There is also quite alot of live rock, although it always looks to me like I need more. This tank is so large it will take alot of rock. I also have about four corals. Everything is going great but I would really like another tang. I did not realize when I bought the original yellow you have to add tangs all at the same time. I was a little chicken at that time about adding fish. I let the tank cycle and sit with just live rock and damsels for four months till I was sure it was ready. My question is (finally!) is it possible to add another tang now? I really like the Naso tangs but I am concerned they will fight. If adding another tang is not wise could you suggest a good alternative? A butterfly? Thank you very much!!
Yes you can add another tang now, although it would of been better to add them all at once.

I would not add another yellow tang, or any other zebrasoma tangs such as the purple tang, scopas tang, or a sailfin tang.

You want to get the new tang from a different family, and you want the new tang to be as big or bigger then your yellow tang.

You could try adding a blue hippo tang. As you can see below in my "Current Tanks" I have 2 yellow tangs and 2 blue hippo tangs.

The 2 yellows were added together at the same time (after 2 week quarentine) and then about 10 days later the 2 blue hippo tangs were added (after 3 week quarentine).

Some tangs that you may try could be...
blue hippo tang
atlantic blue tang
convict tang
chevron tang
kole yellow eye tang

and if you feel confident...
clown tang
achilles tang
powder blue tang
powder brown tang

also some tangs you may keep while they are small but they will need a bigger home.....
sohal tang
naso tang

Also keep in mind alot of these tangs have different diets that you need to consider.

I hope this helps!

Also I would wait to add any live rock to be sure you want more, because you corals are going to grow and fill in space.

How much live rock do you have now?

If you do add more in the furture make sure you completely cure the new rock in a seperate container first.

I would not add a butterfly as most of them ill bother your corals.

Keep in mind though that it may be possible because people are now keeping triggerfish, tuskfish, copperband butterflys, and large angels in there tanks today ith no problem(like my lovely majestic angel).

But I would get more experiance and let all you corals settle in nicly before you try to add a typical "non-reef safe" fish to your tank.

A naso tang ould be fine but it will grow large. I had a blonde male naso tang in my tank but i got rid of it for that reason. I also had a clown tang, but I as only doing a long term fish sitting for him and no longer have him.

YES, you heard right I did have 2 yellow tangs, 2 blue hippo tangs, 1 naso tang, and 1 clown tang in my tank all together, but back then I didnt have all the other fish I do now.

The only tang I'd suggest for a tank that size would be a kole. All the rest are going to get large for that size tank so you would either have to upgrade, or give them away at some point.
you could also try catching the tang, changing the aquascape, then adding both tangs at the same time.
Nice advice from "YoungReefer06". My 100gal has a yellow and a Kole without problems. My yellow is very mean (and currantly my oldest fish-- 5+ years).

IMO a 120 is big enough for either another regal, kole, convict, or mimic.

PS--You might want to add the new tang at night too.

Good Luck.
Thankyou very much Tanker! That compliment made my day!

Good luck with whatever new tang you decide to get Susie, and make sure you QT it.

Let us know what you decide upon, and maybe post pics of you tank with them in it!

I think the key here is exactly how long has the yellow tang been established? If he has his territory established, then he willmake it difficult for you to add any more fish, especially another tang. I got lucky with mine though. I had him for a month and a half before I added my powder blue, and they never fought once.
I wouldn't put a Naso in a 120. These guys get huge. If you were to add another tang, I would add one from the Acanthurus species such as a powder blue or brown.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6951485#post6951485 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fishfirst
The only tang I'd suggest for a tank that size would be a kole. All the rest are going to get large for that size tank so you would either have to upgrade, or give them away at some point.

Then why do YOU have a hippo tang is your tank?

That is contradictory advice IMO. (no offense intended)

Am I wrong?

ummm a 125 is 6ft long a 120 is most likely 4-5 feet long... plus I'm getting a 210 gallon this summer from where I work... I meant if you want to perminantly house a tang, then a kole and a yellow would be the only two tangs I'd go with.