Tank a big reflector


New member
So my wife wanted this metallic contact paper for the background of our tank. My question is that did my wifes since of style help to increase the intensity of the light in my tank (sorry in case she is reading our tank). Since the metallic contact paper reflects the light. Did this turn my tank into a big Reflector? I don't have any par meters so I can't get definites, just wanted you guys opinion.

Everyone who has seen my tank feels that it is very bright, I only have 150 watt MH and all of my SPS have always done well in my tank no matter placement. I just get slower growth at the bottom of the tank than top.
Usually light once it passes the water will reflect off the glass itself, so it probably didn't make that big of a difference, maybe some, but not that much.

If you want proof look through your front pane, and try and look out your side pane. Unless the angle is extream the side pane turns into a mirror.
