tank additives


New member
I was wondering what(besides the norm ie calcium, trace elements, etc) you guys add to your tanks? I use spectravital and combisan. What do you folks use? Anyone use form or reef bugs?
I researched "Reef Bugs" and many results say it is snake oil. I just added some tigger pods to my small HOB fuge and haven't added anything other than food. Everything is doing well at the moment. I have to get a calcium and mag test kit to see if I need to add any of those.
The two I metioned I can definetly testify for, I was wondering if anyone had any success with anything else. I have found mixed at best about reef bugs.
tank additives

I am finding that less is more. I run a kalk reactor, and I feed brine/mysis shrimp with a very small amount of a vitamin supplement by Kent Marine called Zoe. I have added "Tigger Pods" in my fuge and dose DT's Phophto Plankton and Cyclops a couple times a week.
I also use dt's plankton twice a week. Have you tried the oyster eggs? My lfs is going to get the pods from reef nutrition some time soon. And I really want to try there oyster egg stuff but they said that it was still in the testing phase.