Tank Breakdown: Livestock FS 17033


Hey all:

Leaving for college on the 18th of August and my parents want me to tank my in wall display down before i leave. All coral has been donated to a local stores display tank but i still have all my fish and equipment.

4" Desjardini Sailfin tang-50$
3-4" Yellow tang-40$
3" Hippo tang-40$
2 b/w Ocellaris Clowns-40$ for pair
Onyx mated True Perc (female) has laid eggs-$200
60+ lbs of LR @ 2$/lb!!

ASM g1x skimmer-100$
current 6x54w t5 fixture with custom LED moon lights-200$
Vortech mp20-150$
Vortech mp40-225$

Miscellaneous equipment i.e. fans, pumps, phosban reactors, salt, additives, food, buffers, etc etc etc -- come take a look!

I live in Hershey PA. Please contact me via email (bteagle93@aol.com) or via cell phone 717-729-4169 (text or call) for pictures of anything! All prices are OBO! Send me some offers. thanks so much!
I tried texting the number in the original post and they said it was wrong number. I live in Harrisburg and work in palmyra. Was wondering if any clowns were still avail? Let me know asap thanks.