Moving to Seattle for a new job and need to break down my tank by next Tuesday at the latest - priced to go FAST!
Complete set up - $500
Individual item prices below. Due to my situation, I reserve the right to cancel any/all pending individual item sales if I find a buyer willing to take the whole thing.
- 50 gallon SC Aquariums cube tank w/ Artfully Acrylic lid, 3-side starphire, 24"x24"x20" $100
- SCA-301 skimmer w/ pump $20
- JBJ Nano glo LED fuge light $20
- PH2500 return pump $20
- Hydor Smart Level ATO w/ aqualifter $30
- 2x Eheim Jager 150w TruTemp $10/ea
Everything above - $150
- 165w MarsAqua LED (1 month old) $50
- 2x Tunze 6055 w/ 7092 connector (3 months old) $250
Everything above - $400
- 4-stage RO/DI filter $30
- Hanna Phosphate Checker ULR HI736 (BNIB) $25
- TDS meter (BNIB) $10
- Salifert Cal/Alk/Mag test kits (mostly new) $30
- CoralRx (new) free w/ purchase
- Clownfish pair (1 black, 1 orange) $20
- Melanurus wrasse $20
- Tailspot blenny $10
- (3x) Electric blue hermits free w/ purchase
- (3x) Scarlet hermits free w/ purchase
- 4" Ultra Blue Maxima clam $40
- Branching GSP mini-colony $20
- green LPS $10
- duncans (3-4 heads but not in great shape) $10
- orange bam bam zoa colony $10
- pink diamond zoas (4-5 polyps) $10
- pulsing xenia free w/ purchase
- long polyp xenia free w/ purchase
- kenya tree coral free w/ purchase
- other misc coral free w/ purchase
Buy the whole package and I'll throw in all the misc stuff laying around - extra heaters, powerheads, buckets, square 5g containers, misc test kits, reef frenzy coral food, LRS food, flake food, BRS 2-part, Magnesium, Calcion, filter socks, and more.
Will also throw in Nanobox Duo LED lights, stopped working when I moved the tank a few months ago but should be an easy fix
Located in Granada Hills
Complete set up - $500
Individual item prices below. Due to my situation, I reserve the right to cancel any/all pending individual item sales if I find a buyer willing to take the whole thing.
- 50 gallon SC Aquariums cube tank w/ Artfully Acrylic lid, 3-side starphire, 24"x24"x20" $100
- SCA-301 skimmer w/ pump $20
- JBJ Nano glo LED fuge light $20
- PH2500 return pump $20
- Hydor Smart Level ATO w/ aqualifter $30
- 2x Eheim Jager 150w TruTemp $10/ea
Everything above - $150
- 165w MarsAqua LED (1 month old) $50
- 2x Tunze 6055 w/ 7092 connector (3 months old) $250
Everything above - $400
- 4-stage RO/DI filter $30
- Hanna Phosphate Checker ULR HI736 (BNIB) $25
- TDS meter (BNIB) $10
- Salifert Cal/Alk/Mag test kits (mostly new) $30
- CoralRx (new) free w/ purchase
- Clownfish pair (1 black, 1 orange) $20
- Melanurus wrasse $20
- Tailspot blenny $10
- (3x) Electric blue hermits free w/ purchase
- (3x) Scarlet hermits free w/ purchase
- 4" Ultra Blue Maxima clam $40
- Branching GSP mini-colony $20
- green LPS $10
- duncans (3-4 heads but not in great shape) $10
- orange bam bam zoa colony $10
- pink diamond zoas (4-5 polyps) $10
- pulsing xenia free w/ purchase
- long polyp xenia free w/ purchase
- kenya tree coral free w/ purchase
- other misc coral free w/ purchase
Buy the whole package and I'll throw in all the misc stuff laying around - extra heaters, powerheads, buckets, square 5g containers, misc test kits, reef frenzy coral food, LRS food, flake food, BRS 2-part, Magnesium, Calcion, filter socks, and more.
Will also throw in Nanobox Duo LED lights, stopped working when I moved the tank a few months ago but should be an easy fix
Located in Granada Hills