Tank Breakdown

You too!

RODI unit has been sold! The following is left:

1 - 25 watt emperor UV - Needs glass sheath - (OBO)

1- Reef Angel Plus - w/extra relay expansion (OBO)
- w/extra longer temp probe
- extra float switches

2 - PFO 250 watt DE hood w/magnetic (HQI) ballasts
-- One includes an extra RapidLED retrofit - 10 Royal Blues and 2 Blues w/Meanwell ELN-60-48P driver
-- Includes 14k DE Phoenix bulbs
-- Includes one extra long cord (I bought the last one from Premium Aqauatics!)
- Ballast + Hood + Bulb for (OBO!! These are old but trusty)

2 - FI8909W Foscam cameras. ($20 each)-- Includes extra mounting parts

2 - About 3.5 bags of Instant Ocean ($30)

2 - Mag mix - Randy Farley's mix ($5)
bump! Looking to get rid of stuff, but the entire RA+ setup is now firm on $220 since my offers have been close to $100.

It's been a while, but all of this needs to go. Open to best offers now on everything.

I'm not open to parting out the Reef Angel.
As I mentioned on BAReefers, if no one wants these, I will be tossing them out in 2 weeks.

I am open to any offers, as long as I am not parting things out.
If you want any of the following, you MUST contact me asap and let me know.

Otherwise I'm going to throw it out TOMORROW AFTERNOON.

If you can take it all, send an offer. Or if BAR wants it, I'd gladly donate it. Anything
NOT sold or donated to BAR is going to the dump.

Regardless, you need to come by tomorrow morning (Satudray, March 18th)

1. All of the lights mentioned above.
2. 3 bags of Instant Ocean w/Mg mix
3. Emperor UV 25 watt. Like I mentioned above, needs a new glass sheath.
4. Extras in a box: light hangers, hannah phosphate checker, red sea test kit, trace supplements, etc