tank for sale question


New member
Hey everybody! I haven't been in the forums or the meeting for a while cause i've been super busy doing life.

I decided to get rid of my tanks (a 55G and a 10G) and maybe setup a little 10G at my new place after moving....

My question is... how do i go about posting the stuff for sale here?

for example how do i figure out how much to sale the stuff for???

also, should i sale everything together or separate? and if i sell it separated, should i sale fish first? or rock and coral first???

any ideas from people that have done this before would be much appreciated.....



best thing would be to part out, definately sell any livestock before any equipment.

i would try putting things at around 30-40% off what you paid from there, and go from there. some things depreciate faster then others.

and if no nibbles, be patient or lower your prices.
Almost everyone ends up parting out their tank for sale.
I haven't seen an entire tank setup sell here since I joined.

To make it easy on yourself, the order to offer for sale is first the corals and livestock.
Then the sand, rocks, and equipment.
Last is the tank and stand.

As for price, look around at what other people are selling for, set a price, and if it doesn't sell in a few days lower the price a little.
Repeat till you either sell it or get disgusted enough to keep it. :lol:
try listing on craigslist as well, i sold my old 55g and equipment this way. i listed it at the same time on craigslist and RC and got like 4-5 calls in a few days from craigslist and none that saw it on RC.

thats just my experience, but its definitely worth to advertise as much as possible