Hi all. Kurt Muston, a guy I met in State College with a saltwater tank is moving in a week and is looking to sell his equipment and fish. He's not sure what to ask for everything, so email him directly with questions or offers. I've never seen his tank, and I'm just passing this along. His email to me is below.
From Kurt Muston
My setup is as follows:
65 gal tank with 55 lb. live sand substrate 2-3 inches.
45 lb Fiji & 20 lb. Tonga live rock
Tide pool filter system, 300 watt thermometer,
228 powerhead sweep wavemaker, 301 powerhead, two Max-Jet
powerheads with rotating water deflectors
Seaclone Protein Skimmer, Coralite Actinic 96w(blue) Coralife
10,000K 96w (white) and ground pole.
Couple bubble makers, about a dozen artificial corals and couple
dozen artificial plants (these are not in tank at present)
17 fish, and one Banded Coral Shrimp, young long tentacle
anemone, plus snails and crabs.
FISH - Yellowstripe Maroon Clownfish, 3 Spotted Cardinalfish, Kaudern's Cardinal, Sailfin/Algae Blenny, Red Head Goby, Yellowtail Damselfish, 4 Blue Green Reef Chromis, Clown Goby-Green, Longnose Hawkfish, Blue Chromis, Foxface Lo, Bicolor Pseudochromis.
Other stuff includes:
Long handle scraper with extra metal blades, two power strips, 2 timers, one long handle gripper, magnetic scrapers, Eheim Automatic feeder, Fast Test Masterkit (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH), Seachem Reef Status (Strontium titration test kit, MultiTest (iodine & iodide), 5 Tests in one strip quick dip.
New bottles or used a couple times - Garlic extreme, Stress Zyme, Stress Coat, Melafix and Primafix, liquid calcium, Strontium & Molybdenum, Zooplex, Coral-Vite, Iodine, two bottles Marine Trace, several frozen food packs, flakes, pellets etc.
Plus 1/2 bucket of Reef Crystals Reef Salt and misc. other stuff.
I have no idea what to ask for in pricing. I have about $4000 invested into the tank and stuff. Most of the food and bottles are newly purchased.
I'm selling because I'm moving and the new place is not set up in a way for me to take care of the tank without a lot of hauling water up & down stairs which won't do for me when I have knee and shoulder surgery this fall.
If I know someone is going to buy it, then it can be moved from it's present location after we move out, since this house has not sold yet. Otherwise this Sunday or Monday, I will have to move it to the new place.
Thanks again, hope you can help.
Kurt Muston
State College, PA 16801
814-272-4649 home
From Kurt Muston
My setup is as follows:
65 gal tank with 55 lb. live sand substrate 2-3 inches.
45 lb Fiji & 20 lb. Tonga live rock
Tide pool filter system, 300 watt thermometer,
228 powerhead sweep wavemaker, 301 powerhead, two Max-Jet
powerheads with rotating water deflectors
Seaclone Protein Skimmer, Coralite Actinic 96w(blue) Coralife
10,000K 96w (white) and ground pole.
Couple bubble makers, about a dozen artificial corals and couple
dozen artificial plants (these are not in tank at present)
17 fish, and one Banded Coral Shrimp, young long tentacle
anemone, plus snails and crabs.
FISH - Yellowstripe Maroon Clownfish, 3 Spotted Cardinalfish, Kaudern's Cardinal, Sailfin/Algae Blenny, Red Head Goby, Yellowtail Damselfish, 4 Blue Green Reef Chromis, Clown Goby-Green, Longnose Hawkfish, Blue Chromis, Foxface Lo, Bicolor Pseudochromis.
Other stuff includes:
Long handle scraper with extra metal blades, two power strips, 2 timers, one long handle gripper, magnetic scrapers, Eheim Automatic feeder, Fast Test Masterkit (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH), Seachem Reef Status (Strontium titration test kit, MultiTest (iodine & iodide), 5 Tests in one strip quick dip.
New bottles or used a couple times - Garlic extreme, Stress Zyme, Stress Coat, Melafix and Primafix, liquid calcium, Strontium & Molybdenum, Zooplex, Coral-Vite, Iodine, two bottles Marine Trace, several frozen food packs, flakes, pellets etc.
Plus 1/2 bucket of Reef Crystals Reef Salt and misc. other stuff.
I have no idea what to ask for in pricing. I have about $4000 invested into the tank and stuff. Most of the food and bottles are newly purchased.
I'm selling because I'm moving and the new place is not set up in a way for me to take care of the tank without a lot of hauling water up & down stairs which won't do for me when I have knee and shoulder surgery this fall.
If I know someone is going to buy it, then it can be moved from it's present location after we move out, since this house has not sold yet. Otherwise this Sunday or Monday, I will have to move it to the new place.
Thanks again, hope you can help.
Kurt Muston
State College, PA 16801
814-272-4649 home