Tank is in a funk, need some ideas.....

I agree with peter, and you say for a while you were feeding an obscene amount and things looked good. I would try taking off the gfo and feeding more, or dosing nitrate. Maybe double check your salinity with someone's refractometer. I know the digital units are good but its worth a try. And use 35ppt solution with the refractometer. Some read wrong with ro water.
I would think it would be a good thing to get your tank to the point where you have to clean your glass every few days or every other day as well. Maybe stop worrying about the phosphate and focus on raising the nitrate. Seems this would not hurt anything and I would think would help.
For what it's worth I've been running with 30 to 40 nitrates and while I'm missing colors the acros in the tank all seem fat and happy. I would guess nutrient issues as well.

For chloramines, wouldn't a dose of Seachem Prime or similar take care of any issue?
Keep in mind things went downhill while I was feeding heavy. I had thought that it just caught up to me. Things don't look too bad today. Definitely not worsening quickly lol.
I'm really interested in how you turn this around. The thing that really gets to me is that photo of the sunset monti that you posted above. That photo is so eerily familiar. That is exactly what my encrusting monti's look like when my tank is starting to take a turn for the worse. While all my other corals in the tank look good and are growing, the montiporas are the first to lose their base color and look like crap when something gets out of whack. But then things turn around (like it did with you) and the monti's regain their base color and polyp extension. And the sometime down the road, it happens again. It's weird... This hobby seems so simple when everything is going well and the tank is on "cruise control", but it can seem so complicated (chasing numbers, supplements, trying all kinds of weird stuff, etc.) when trying to troubleshoot these types of issues. You'll figure this out and get through it, and we'll all learn something from this.

You mentioned that you have a hammer coral that is bleaching and retracted. Do you have any LPS or softies, and if so, how do they look? Are you still scraping algae off the glass every couple of days? I may be way off on this, but if you are scraping algae off the glass every few days or if you are growing algae in the sump, wouldn't that indicate that the nutrients are not too low? Or does the algae rip the nutrients out of the water before the corals can use them? Just thinking out loud. I'm following along and hoping for the best.
This advice may not be helpful for your problem, however, why not try NSW? It's cheaper and easier and will preserve your RO/DI. Most LFS use NSW and some have very nice SPS' displays (i.e. Strictly Fish). I test my NSW before use with Salifert PO4 and NO3 testers and they are always clear. Hobby grade testers are not accurate enough to give us reliable reading when levels get very low. However, I'm sure NSW provides enough NO3 and PO4 for your corals symbiotic zooxanthellae and with your feeding regiment the corals polyps should get adequate food.
I'm really interested in how you turn this around. The thing that really gets to me is that photo of the sunset monti that you posted above. That photo is so eerily familiar. That is exactly what my encrusting monti's look like when my tank is starting to take a turn for the worse. While all my other corals in the tank look good and are growing, the montiporas are the first to lose their base color and look like crap when something gets out of whack. But then things turn around (like it did with you) and the monti's regain their base color and polyp extension. And the sometime down the road, it happens again. It's weird... This hobby seems so simple when everything is going well and the tank is on "cruise control", but it can seem so complicated (chasing numbers, supplements, trying all kinds of weird stuff, etc.) when trying to troubleshoot these types of issues. You'll figure this out and get through it, and we'll all learn something from this.

You mentioned that you have a hammer coral that is bleaching and retracted. Do you have any LPS or softies, and if so, how do they look? Are you still scraping algae off the glass every couple of days? I may be way off on this, but if you are scraping algae off the glass every few days or if you are growing algae in the sump, wouldn't that indicate that the nutrients are not too low? Or does the algae rip the nutrients out of the water before the corals can use them? Just thinking out loud. I'm following along and hoping for the best.

I have 4 other Favias that look fine, and have full color. Cyphastreas also look good. I had assumed the hammer was irritated from the crazy flow in the tank but it was showing some bleaching and now moreso is looking pale. Tank is definitely cleaner now than it was a month ago. I cleaned the glass 3 days ago and started seeing some spots pop up here and there, but not really needing a cleaning yet. I do think the burning is going away, but some of those corals took a beating so may be months IF they recover. Probably wishful thinking, but I think its getting better. I'm happy that my phos is down now so I feel more comfortable upping the feeding and re-introducing some AcroPower. I am taking it easy, but by no means is the tank on a diet anymore. Alk has been steady for while now, other than a small hiccup when I had the Cal spike. I also slowly raised my alk to pre-crash levels of around 8ish. (Shoot for 142-145 on the checker). I had previously lowered it thinking that was the problem. Obviously not....
I've been reading through this post and I keep thinking wow this is similar to my situation right now. I have dealt with pale/drab looking SPS for quite awhile now. Back when I first setup my tank (2 years ago) I ran it as BB and I was definitely nutrient poor. I added a few more fish and started feeding very heavy. The corals responded very well and colored up nicely. After the tank matured, my corals started looking pale again. I have always dealt with higher PO4 (0.08-0.10) and 0 NO3. No matter how much I feed I cannot raise my nitrates. Well after doing a lot of reading and some guidance from a few people on here, I bought some calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)2. Yesterday was my first dose, trying to achieve 5ppm NO3. I will test for nitrates again tonight and see where I am at. I will let you know how things progress. Hopefully your situation is lack of NO3, which can be a fairly easy fix.
I confirmed the dusting on glass is green. Chaeto seems to be growing well. Took about 3-4 days until the glass was dirty enough to clean. I do notice a slight improvement on some pieces, as they are starting to get a faint glow again under the blue LEDs. I also confirmed some new growth on a base that has been sitting there forever. Will definitely take pics this weekend. Thanks all.
Sent you a bit of this....report back results please. I think i saw results on the montiporia plates within 3-4 days. Maybe aim for a NO3 of 10-25. (make sure your test kit is functional. An expired kit can read zero all the time).

<a href="http://s774.photobucket.com/user/david_gutkin/media/D41956CD-B2BE-4B84-A59E-5103C29419C6.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i774.photobucket.com/albums/yy22/david_gutkin/D41956CD-B2BE-4B84-A59E-5103C29419C6.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo D41956CD-B2BE-4B84-A59E-5103C29419C6.jpg"/></a>
Just a little update. I think the tank has turned the corner. This weekend I definitely saw a few frags that are starting to get a little LED sheen to them. My rainbow monti's base is back to bluish, and my sunset montis base has colored up. The curious thing is that the monti's polyps are still retracted, not totally, but still sucked in 90%. Actually, polyp extension of all SPS is horrible, despite the skin quality improving. Some of the smaller patches of STN are either healed or healing, and the acros that got ravaged still look ravaged. I was going to take pics but the improvement was so minor that I will wait until next week to take some pics where hopefully the difference will be significant.

Nitrate is still 0, Phos has been hovering around 0.03, and alkalinity has been stable at 139-143 on the checker, have not seen a reading out of that range in the last month or so checking several times a week.

Just to recap what I did, I basically stripped the tank down to near ULNS which allowed me to go back to my normalish feeding routine. I don't have any corals that look great, although my palmers blue is really blue now. Thanks for all the discussion. Will keep things updated!
i am having an eerily similar issue as well. what you're saying is that you have gotten nutrients back down to almost ULNS and things are starting to look better? what are your current N and P readings?
Just a little update. I think the tank has turned the corner. This weekend I definitely saw a few frags that are starting to get a little LED sheen to them. My rainbow monti's base is back to bluish, and my sunset montis base has colored up. The curious thing is that the monti's polyps are still retracted, not totally, but still sucked in 90%. Actually, polyp extension of all SPS is horrible, despite the skin quality improving. Some of the smaller patches of STN are either healed or healing, and the acros that got ravaged still look ravaged. I was going to take pics but the improvement was so minor that I will wait until next week to take some pics where hopefully the difference will be significant.

Nitrate is still 0, Phos has been hovering around 0.03, and alkalinity has been stable at 139-143 on the checker, have not seen a reading out of that range in the last month or so checking several times a week.

Just to recap what I did, I basically stripped the tank down to near ULNS which allowed me to go back to my normalish feeding routine. I don't have any corals that look great, although my palmers blue is really blue now. Thanks for all the discussion. Will keep things updated!

Hey man, I'm glad things are on the rebound. I hate the feeling of frustration.
From my experience, I always had tank crashes when I changed salts.
I'm experiencing sever browning and reduced PE ever since I reduced my lighting to combat my hair algae issue. I'm using leds as well. I'm also starting to see a bit of stn on 3 of my frags.

Just a thought.

That's one of those things that's floating in the back of my mind. Can you get a 0 TDS reading if chloramine or ammonia is making it through? My filters are about 3 months old and I always check the water with a handheld meter both at the beginning and end of the water making session.

TDS may not pick them up, I test my waste water for chloramines with the lemott strips, this has been the best way ime. I found before this when the cyano started going up, the carbon blocks were toast. Check out BRStv on some of these topics they are really useful.
As promised here are some pictures I took earlier today. Overall things look MUCH better. All the corals that had minor recession and color loss seem to be rebounding. A few of the corals that got hit hard, well, still look like they got hit hard. I did start dosing NaNO3 this week and my phos has dropped to 3ppb which is the lowest I have ever seen in in this tank. I felt like in the past I could not get it below 0.03 (not that I would want that). NO3 still registers 0. The one thing that still has me stumped is that there is absolutely NO polyp extension on acros AND encrusting montis, despite color and growth improving. I'm hoping that in time that will improve, because I've always seen awesome polyp extension in my tank and the previous one. Also corals appear more on the starved side, with a slightly pale appearance, but its not bad, and nothing compared to the previous look of it being in a nutrient soup! We'll see. I'll try and post most of the ones I posted before so you can see the difference, and I'll post a few more as well.

First up is the slimer. It was lookin like hell last I posted. The color has evened out and its getting some glow back. Still does not look anywhere near as good as I've seen it but much improved...

Sunset monti. Still looks like garbage, but the base color is coming back. Still no polyp extension....

Pokerstar and Rainbow. In the previous pic the one on the right had the blue on the rim, now its blue throughout, and the one on the left is starting to get blue. Still no polyp extension. In the past, all my encrusting montis you could barely see the base color the polyps were out so much!

Efflo blue is coming back and burnt area is healing...

Microclados. You can see the colors becoming more vivid and burnt area healing, polyp color is also intensifying....
This one the skin is improving and some color coming back to polyps.

Posted this one before, didn't look horrible but skin quality is definitely improved...Red Robin

Posted this one before. Skin quality improving and not looking quite as turdish. Yellow tips slowly trying to show....

Mr Pacman. Thought I was going to lose it. Was burnt! Now getting some color, not great but another one with significant improvement...

This one seemed to turn blue out of nowhere...

This one is getting its "sheen" back.....

Hard to appreciate but this PC rainbow is getting some base glow. It was also turdish.....

This monti has shown a HUGE improvement....

I've had this forever. Started as just an encrustation and has been that way always. Last week I noticed the first tip growth. Now there's a bunch!

Getting sheen and new growth tips. This one had also been dormant for a while...