Tank move disaster?


New member
Ok so I moved my 57g (with 20g sump), put everything that had coral on it in buckets with good water from the tank, and moved as much water as I could.... I got to the new place thinking I could hook my rodi up and fill a 30 gallon to mix water and get the tank going again.... no hook ups for the rodi....

for 3 days I have had 2 clownfish, a previously healthy bubble coral, 3 anemones, and various softies (mushrooms, zoas, toadstool) in a 10 gallon with a heater and a few little pumps to keep water moving. They look OK but not happy.

I finally bit the bullet and used the copper tubing clamp that came with the rodi (we are renting) (after my coral banded shrimp earl of 4 years died, i couldnt bear losing anyone else)

I sucked all my 4 year old live sand out with a shop vac since it was awful looking and was totally disturbed by being transported in buckets. (lost about 10 gallons of old tank water here since I originally planned on keeping it) Ill go bare bottom for now at least.

I filled the tank with all new water, since most of the water i brought is used in the 10 gallon and buckets holding live rock.

I put all the live rock that didnt have coral on it, that was sitting in a live animal shipping box into the warm 1.026 salinity freshly made water to prevent as much die off as i could....
Today I plugged in my Jabeo 25 to find it works on and off.... ok so I ordered another overnighted from amazon, itll be here tomorrow..

I have been in the hobby for about 5-6 years but I still consider myself very much a newbie. I would really appreciate some help on this one.

What should my next course of action be?

I know I need to get the corals and fish into the tank asap so they can get proper flow and light (no light is on them now) normally I use 2 a150 kessils, which are great btw.

My plans are once my new jabeo comes in tomorrow, and the temp is perfect, I plan on basically moving all the rocks with corals and fish into the DT and dumping the old tank water in with em...

my other concern is with die off, all this rock has been transported in water except for about 15lbs that were in a shipping box for a few days. How much of a cycle should i expect? would it be better to leave the corals in a separate tank?

Help please?!
step 1: Find a LFS that sells saltwater, stop at walmart or HD and pickup some 5 gallon buckets and fill them. that should have been done days ago.

Step 2: once you have acquired enough water put the live rock in the tank with corals and if the water is the right temp then put the fish in there too.

Step 3: top off with newly acquired water.

Step 4: are kessil's dimable? if they are make them dimmer because if the corals haven't seen light in a few days you don't want to bleach them.

step 5: keep checking for ammonia. get one of those alert badges and if you see ammonia add some amquel until your live rock is populated and able to process it.
GO to the supermarket and get ro water from a kiosk. But use a TDS meter to be sure their tds is zero ---if possible. If not possible, just cross your fingers and hope there's at least nothing obnoxious.

Fill your tank backwards, ie, to heck with neat setup at this point---fill it, warm it, get the pumps running and aeration and light happening, and get everybody in there barebottom with live rock, and get a bottle of Amquel (ammonia nixer) or Prime to take care of any spike from the rock. Start your lights on blues for 3 hours the first day, then 4 hours with 1 hour brights, then incrementally upward to normal.

Once you're moved and have time, you can sort it out properly. Get a little qt or bucket for your fish, do a 50% water change, get new aragonite sand, set up your rock properly with the corals (they're tougher than inverts and fish and will survive if they aren't sps), and expect about a 5 day cycle, a little one. After that put your inverts in, and finally the fish, which are the most fragile creatures.