Tank of the Month - August 2003

Way to go!! Sorry I've been away from the board for a while, but wanted to say this couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.

Absolutely stunning!


I was kind of depressed when I started getting into this hobby, knowing that I would never be able to afford the kind of lighting and equipment it took to grow "nice" corals....

My friend told me that with my current tank and lighting, I'd be able to do shrooms and some ricorida. I thought "well, that will be cool, I *guess*, it's better than nothing..."

How PSYCHED was I to see your tank of softies! I will *never* desire to own an SPS tank now, your tank is a true inspiration to all newbies (and judging from the comments, to all experts too).

Thanks so much for sharing it with everyone! :D
To expand on Pete's question a little bit, is at the same sand bed you've used for nine years? Or if you could give us a little history on your substrate. Also, the grain size of the sand in your pictures looks to be on the course side, something larger then sugar sized grains and smaller than crushed coral could tell you exactly what product was used.

Thanks in advance,
Thank you all once again for the kind words. My apologies for not responding sooner.

PepsiDX20, there is about 125 lb or so of live rock in this system. I use to keep track of it but I have taken away and added so many pieces that I simply lost track.

John F, those are Flame Red Discosoma Mushrooms. I'll try and shot a pic and show you. They are electric in color. I consider them common and readily available on line or at your LPS. The problem with getting them is that they get snatched up real quick before most people get to see them.

Pete_re, I do all of my testing on Saturday mornings and I clean the glass and kinda move any sand back into place that has been distrubed too much. I just try to keep it natural looking. I use a butter knife to get down between the front glass and the sand to just clean the glass below the sand level. I also use the knife to slightly turn over a 1/4 " of the sand to make it look fresh and white when it becomes disclored as all tanks do. The wavemaker that drives the powerheads kinda creates the wave affect across the front glass.

Capt. Dave, same sand bed, just added an inch or two more at the beginning of this year. It is larger than sugar size, about the size of BB's.

Hey thanks again everyone, take care.

Wow. It's something we can only aspire to achieve SOME day. Unfortunately, with my other distractions in life (job, boat, classic car, 2 kids, 2 dogs, golf, kids braces,etc. - oh yeah - wife too) I don't think I'll ever find the time to put that much attention into my reef hobby...
awesome tank

awesome tank

Dear Zoo Guru:
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful photos.....you are
very inspiring. I still dream of having a setup like yours.
Keep up the good work.