Tank of the Month - July 2005

tlp said:
At the moment I just have one Sequence 10000 (10,000lph) pump supplying the skimmers as well as the main return pump for the whole system.

I'm making some mods in a couple of weeks time to install a second pump to push more flow into the skimmers and increase turn over rate from the display tank.
That's about 1500GPH per skimmer - very respectable rate for a recirculating skimmer of that size.....
Thanks guys. Here's a pic of my latest addition, inspired obviously.


Great looking tank. This gives me the motivation to plan for my next tank upgrade. :)

Couple of questions:

1. How often do you change water using your water changing sump? I read the article and seems like you only change water once every 6 months? Am I mistaken?

2. For such large tank, what is the most expensive item for your running cost of the tank? e.g. rowphos, carbon, electricity, etc.

1 - Afraid so. Not very frequent water changes. I try to as often as I can when I can, but life's a bit hectic. TBH, I've not noticed any major differences before/after water changes.

2 - Electricity is the main cost, once the tank is up and fully stock the main running cost is really just electricity. I don't use much rowaphos as I rely on the algae growth in the refugia for export.
Simply fantastic. I love your aquascaping. Very different and unique. I dream for a tank with enough width to be able to attempt that effect. For now I am stuck with my 23" wide tank.

Congratulations and well-deserved TOTM!
absolutely inspiring, better than anything ive ever seen in a shop or public aquarium. You must get so much enjoyment out of it, personally, i'd never leave the room!!
tlp said:
Thanks guys. Here's a pic of my latest addition, inspired obviously.


That is an incredible aquarium. Nice work!!

Sohal tangs get sooo mean. Even in a 500 gallon aquarium. Good luck with him/her. I had a Sohal tang kill about a grand worth of fish. Ugh.
I wonder where is your geographic location considering the way you have your cooling set up.

I also didn't understand the copper piping is it part of the system.
or this is before the RO filter
Coppper tubing

Coppper tubing

Beautiful display and awsome setup. A Very impressive tank.

I have a couple questions.....Your heat exchange loops are piped with Copper???? Did I read that correctly? If so, is there no adverse affect to that? I'm pretty new to all this but I thouht copper was a "bad" thing to use.....Can you or anyone please set me straight on this?
The heat exchanger is made from titanium, totally reef safe. The heating/cooling side is made from copper pipeworks, but this water never touch the tank water, which is on the other side of the heat exchanger.