Tank Plans - Ideas, Suggestion, Help,...


New member
I'm planning to build 2 large tanks that will be complete withing the next year or two (finally started working on the basement and began prepping the spot where the tanks going to be, so the actual tank itself should be up, plumbed, and holding water in ~6 months hopefully, if there aren't any more delays...)

The setup will consist of one main display tank - 96"x33"x36"(LxWxH), this tank will be a reef setup (Lighting done by 3x 400w MH's, 8 x 3' T5's(10,000k & Actinic), and one of those Natural sunlight tube skylights positioned at one side of the tank.) The other tank will stand right beside this one. It's dimensions will be 33"x33"x36"(LxWxH). This tank will be lit by a single 250w MH and maybe 2 24" T5 Actinic bulbs.

For the main display I have a rough idea as to whats going to be in it. I would appreciate suggestions on what you think would be appropriate in a tank like that, just want to see what some options are. For inverts and corals I was thinking about having the top section of the tank to mostly SPS corals and the mid to low section LPS and/or softies, with a clam or two somewhere in the middle or on the sand bed (this isn't too deep for them, is it?). Also wanted to make a "bommie" for one or more clown hosting anemone(s) near the center of tank. This will hopefully keep it from floating around the tank looking for a spot to live. Those are my general ideas, if you have any coral suggestions, I would appreciate hearing them. (ie. corals which you have found particularly interesting/stunning that would be suited for a tank like this.) For livestock, I'm still pretty unsure. Was thinking of a large tang (anything particularly beautiful? Was thinking a Hawaiian Naso tang, not sure tho) with maybe a few butterflies (one Copper Band, not sure on what else if anything else at all), possibly a group of Banggai Cardinals (these usually school, right?), a pair of mandarins, a pair of some anemone-hosting clowns. Again, all suggestions welcome.

For the second tank, I'm not sure what to keep. I was thinking of making it into a large seahorse tank, but after reading a few things about seahorses, it doesn't seem to be the best idea to keep them in there, considering that these two tanks will be sharing a sump. So now I'm open to suggestions on what will be housed in this tank.
I have no clues if I should still make it into a seahorse tank or if something completely different.

Thats what I can think of for right now. Not sure If I missed something. Open to all suggestions so feel free to just say what you're thinking.

Thanks. Sorry for the long, rambling post...:p
Will add more info in a later post if I forgot something or come up with something new :)
I'm currently on the planning stages of my dream 240 gallon tank that probably wont be set up for at least another 1-2 years and I've been thinking a lot about how I want my tank to look as far as stocking goes.

As far as corals are concerned, I think that a tank put together with many specimens of a few different species would create a more realistic interpretation of a reef ecosystem. Also, the couple of more stunning/rare corals that you might have would definately stand out much more.

With the above in mind, I'm also thinking the same way with fish. I'm mostly planning on the majority of my fish being 3-4" or smaller so that that the few larger fish I have would really stand out. Ideally, I think I would like to have a school of 9-11 small anthias, two pairs of clowns, a wrasse or two, a few other various smaller fish, and 3-4 tangs. If you have room, maybe two schools of completely opposite looking fish would be interesting to have.
Thanks for the suggestion.

I am still really unsure about the second tank, The seahorse idea might work but it's going to be complicated at best, I started looking towards keeping a cuddle fish or octopus but they have short lifespans, difficult/expensive feeding habits, and poor availability in my area so they're out. I was thinking about maybe making it into a predatory tank, what do you think? In that case it doesn't need the 250W MH and either fluorescents alone will be enough or just a single 175w MH. This tank should have enough swimming space for a large trigger right? If it's going to be aggressive, what fish would you recommend for this cube shaped tank?

This is my try at visualizing the tank itself. Models made in Google Sketchup.




The two black boxes on the left side of the main tank are two tunze wavemakers, just trying to see what they would look like. The overflow is easy to see. The 12" between them is just a rough idea, there is a supporting beam that will dip down ~ 4" into the hood hence the separation of the tanks, might space them out more to give enough room to view them both from the side.

Haven't talked much about filtration and flow, planning on having a sump in a separate room that houses a Deltec-like DIY Skimmer, three RDSB buckets hooked up for easy changing, A large fuge (possibly with a cryptic zone), the rest of the equipment (ie. dosing, ATO, heaters, various probes, etc...), a chamber for QT, and two large return pumps (Iwaki pumps most likely). Roughly its going to be 4' x 4' x 30".

The flow for the tank will be taken care of by 1 or 2 closed loop(s) with eductors on every output. Iwaki pressure rated pumps will be powering this/these loops. If 2 loops then 2 ocean motions 4-ways, if only one then an ocean motion 8-way. A tunze wavebox with an extension will create a wave in the tank creating a really nice back and forth motion in the water and the CL will take of the flow.

For the second tank, I was thinking either two tunze PH's in the rocks or a smaller closed loop. Not sure yet, all still up in the air.

Thats the post for today :). Any suggestions/comments greatfully accepted.
