26 gallon bow front with black stand
aquaclear 110 powerfilter
Coralife superskimmer 65
aquaclear powerhead with upgrade
visitherm 100w heater
glass thermometer
Buyer will also get free reign on all my test kits refractometer buckets scrapers whatever just take whatever you want this whole set up $200
pick up only Millville , NJ 08332
PMs only please no emails i rarely check email
aquaclear 110 powerfilter
Coralife superskimmer 65
aquaclear powerhead with upgrade
visitherm 100w heater
glass thermometer
Buyer will also get free reign on all my test kits refractometer buckets scrapers whatever just take whatever you want this whole set up $200
pick up only Millville , NJ 08332
PMs only please no emails i rarely check email