Tank size and Fishes in your tank.

I wish we had a forum that list the tank sizes with fishes in it. I am in the process of stocking a 180 gallon tank and think something like that would be useful for lot of us. This way we avoid a lot of questions about is this fish compatible with this other fish as well.

For me:
Tank size - 180
Current Fishes:
clownfish pair,
2 hippo tang (added at the same time)
1 purple tang
1 yellow tang
1 red head solar fairy wrasse
1 flame angelfish
1 splendid dottyback
4 green chromis

Thinking about adding (trying to decide and depending on availability but not adding all below especially the 5-6 ones )
5-6 firefish gobies (not sure if it is a good idea)
two coral beauty angels
5-6 lyretail anthias
3-4 additional green chromis
5-6 bangaii cardinals
pair of flasher or fairy wrasses
want to add a naso tang or powder blue as well but more hesistant
I thought firefish, chromis and the cardinals can be guilty of killing each other off?

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My 375 gallons
1- Emperor Angel
1- Naso Tang
1- Blue Hippo
1- Sailfin Tang
3- Yellow Tang
1- Power Blue Tang
2- Zoster Butterflyfish
1-Marine Betta ( hardly see)
2- Leopard Wrasse ( Male & Female)
1- Melanurus Wrasse
1- Engineer Goby ( 8-10" long")
2- Gold stripe Maroon clownfish (mean)
1- Longnose Hawkfish
1- Neon Damselfish
I have a heavily fed high nutrient macro algae reef that is 56 gallons. It has a tiered sandbed using live rock as retaining walls for aesthetics and biological filtration. This also offers lots of nooks, crannies and small cave/overhangs for my 15 fish to dwell. My fish are:

1. Tomini bristletooth tang
2. Orange spot blenny
3. (2)Green Citron gobies
4. (2) Pajama Cardinal fish
5 Royal Gramma
6. Firefish goby
7. Barnacle blenny
8. (6) Yellow tail damsels
I have a heavily fed high nutrient macro algae reef that is 56 gallons. It has a tiered sandbed using live rock as retaining walls for aesthetics and biological filtration. This also offers lots of nooks, crannies and small cave/overhangs for my 15 fish to dwell. My fish are:

1. Tomini bristletooth tang
2. Orange spot blenny
3. (2)Green Citron gobies
4. (2) Pajama Cardinal fish
5 Royal Gramma
6. Firefish goby
7. Barnacle blenny
8. (6) Yellow tail damsels

I have 11 in my 56 gallon anemone tank. It seems like I don't have enough because of the fishes I have and all the anemone.
2 Frostbite clown
2 flurry clown
2 snowflake clown
2 true percula
1 six line wrasse
1 Randall's goby with tiger shrimp
1 lawnmower blenny


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I bit the bullet and got 6 Resplendent anthias since they stay smaller than lyretail. The picture on LA doesn't do it justice. This color combination is what made me want to get anthias. They arrived well and seem to be eating so keeping my fingers crossed. In the past I used to put them in the display but this time I will leave them in the sump for a while.


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I wish we had a forum that list the tank sizes with fishes in it. . .

I wish that too! :( Too many variables, most important IMO is the individual personality of the fish in question. I'll argue size of the tank and aquascaping is a factor, some fish will want more swimming space while some will want more hiding places. Sequence of fish added. Age or how mature the fish added is a factor. I would say even how well a fish is socialized or acclimated to the activity outside a tank is a factor.