Tank Size and Setup?


New member
I was just wondering what size tank you keep your mantis in, and also what kind of aquascaping you've done for him? My 4.5" mantis is in an Eclipse 6, with 3" dsb and some live rock. I'll post a pic soon.

Here is another pic so you can see his little dugout below the rock. Do you think this is adequate, or should I place a piece of pvc in there? Thanks.

Standard 10 gallon Truvu acrylic tank w/ 32W PC light. I have about 15lbs of LR in there and no PVC. I just have one main cave in the front with two openings in the back. I use the bio-activ "live sand" in a bag stuff cuz most aragonites are too fine, and my mantis likes to dig. I have a 6" peacock in there and he seems to love it, swooping up and around the rocks.

Filtration is with my 125g reef.... Plumbed to the same sump, the tank is drilled with a bulkhead.
Unfortunately, I don't have any pics of the tank from far away, just some close up pics of my mantis on my site.

The plumbing is super simple. Return pump is just hooked up like any return pump. The 802 PH just sits in the sump and pumps water into the tank. A 1" bulkhead is drilled onto the back of the tank towards the top, and has a strainer on the inside of the tank. Behind the bulkhead is a T, on one end is like a durso standpipe.... a cap and a hole drilled through it. The other end is connected to vinyl tubing that goes down to the sump.
We keep our Mantis in a twenty gallon high. It has a CPR Backpak skimmer, 2 55 watt PC lights, about 20lbs of live rock, 4-5 inch sandbed, and one powerhead. We keep some mushrooms and sponges in the tank as well as the standard reef crew of lots of snails and hermits. Plus there are 6 assorted Damsels. The mantis does eat a few of the snails and crabs, but as long as we keep him fed he doesn't seem to eat to many of them.