Tank Size For Pairing Fish


What would you have as a tank size (inc dimensions) for doing a pair of Centropyge, and a pair of Hawkfish? Note I’m not buying them as pairs but trying to pair them up myself.

The tank in question is a 3ft (36”) 60G that’s 36 x 20 x 20.

Also how many fish can I reasonably fit into a tank this size (can’t go any larger at this point).

I’m not doing any Tangs.
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The times I've seen dwarf angels establish a pair they get very aggressive towards all the other fish in a system. In smaller (~75 - 150) it's results in dead fish and having to remove or breakup the dwarf angel pair. A 3' 60 gallon may work well for just keeping a breeding pair of dwarf angels but keeping anything else with them isn't what I'd do or recommend.
I actually keep a harem of Flame back Angel in a 65 gal and they did fine, but fairly agressive toward each other
I had this thread somewhere on line here are ReefCentral or at reef2reef
That was my office tank, three of them. I took it down in a moved and did not set it back up. They were kind of aggressive in there and I did not like the behavior of it.