Tank Tour?

how about anyone interested in hosting on the tour, post some Sat. ans Sun. dates of when they could do it and what part of town they live in and maybe we could narrow it down quicker
So cmondo can host on the 24th, what about others interested in hosting? Sat/Sun in February that work for you? We'd like to get a min of two stops in for the day.
Any other volunteers? We so far have one each for the 17th and the 24th. Maybe we will have to call on you after all, Ken. :D
Oh Oh, I'm slowly tearing a couple tanks down. and the reef tank is so crowded i can't even scrape the coraline off the front glass.
Captken, I bet even on a bad day you tank shames most of us. And I for one would love to see your setup.

Stealing ideas one tank at a time.


ps: the 2-17 is good
all my tanks crashed 3 years ago during a 5 day power outage after a storm. the die off saturated everything with nutrients, and algeas sprouted everywhere. the 75, the oldest, has been coming back. and cleaning up. still fighting a macro algea thats hard to run out. the other misc. tanks are just holding algea infested rubble rock. most of the frags having gone. so im going back to one tank and then a frag tank. and then later , perhaps an upgrade to a 120g 48 x 24 x 24 reef ready for my main display tank. a bit less to take care of.
Hey all, I re-posted this as an official Feb meeting thread. Hopefully it will attract some new eyeballs. If all else fails, we could make stop 2 my place to tear my tank down, but that sounds messy and awful doesn't it!!