Tank Update: July 16 2007


In Memoriam
Tank Update:

First off - Everything has been good. Tank has run itself for the past 3 months, without much of my interaction except of feeding, occasional frag pickup and addition.

I Have been running out of space for frags - @ least in the front of the tank. I Really liked the shelfed rock structure that i created, and it would be perfect - IF I HAD A WALL DIVIDER tank. I Have been 'wanting' to re-aqua-scape the tank - however have not yet found the motivation to actually do it.

In other words ... i don't like the way i built the rocks .. and i'm too lazy to change it!

The total fish count is currently estimated @ around mid 50

The Clown Tang i picked up @ Saltwater Solutions about a month ago died about 5 days ago. He would eat, but not very much ... he kept getting skinnier ... until the was weak & the overflow box got him. He was still alive, but couldn't get off the overflow box. About an hour later, he was gone, and i saw his rear fins showing out of the area where the serpant star usually rests.

Scott (keinreis) & I attended SRC in orlando on saturday - where I auctioned 3 frags:
Blue Tort (6")
Shawn Bennet Blue Tort (4")
Prostata (2" multi branching)

While epoxying the frags on saturday night around 10PM - i guess i pushed a little hard, and the shelf built rock structure on the left side of the tank collapsed.
YAY! :rolleye1:

After speaking with scott - we both came to the conclusion that today was the day. He came over, we assest the damage & situation - then headed to a few different stores around town to pickup LR - Ended up bring home just about 100lbs. of new LR.
Mix of Fiji, Tonga, Haitian, Indo.

We pulled about 75% of the corals out of the tank before we started ... all in 5g buckets. of course the remaining 25% that were left in the tank ... most of them got damaged when rocks tumbled, or whie not seeing the corals we bumped into them with boulders.

A total of 6hours, plenty of involuntary frags, and 4 sticks of epoxy later .... we have a great result.... one that i'm actually happy with!

My guestimation is that I have about 400 - 450lbs of LR in the tank now total ... + another 50 - 75lbs in sump/fuge.

I'm also going to be changing out the sump/fuge thats in the garage.
I purchased 1 x 50g & 1 x 100g rubbermaid oval trough. I will do this project at the same time when the chiller will arrive. 1HP - total water volume should be around 400g once one subtracts the rock & sand.

Thanks again scott!
Picture scott took on 07/07/07

Picture i took this AM

L -> R

R -> L

Middle shot