Tank upgrade question


New member

Tank upgrade is ready...

I have my new 55 with dry fiji pink, 1"deep, waiting for water and rock.

I'm adding fresh SW to begin my cycle.

Using extra live rock from my existing tank's sump.

I also have some old dry rock. Can I add that, too, if it's pretty clean, so that it can begin to become live again?
Any other tips, or should I just rely on using that extra live rock to seed the sand? I was going to add a few scoops of sand from my existing tank but it's a different sand size altogether, so it would stick out of my new dry fiji pink like a sore thumb.

Plus I've had some green hair algae issues due to low flow in my existing tank (overcrowded w/ coral and not enough flow; one reason for the upgrade).

I thought transferring some sand scoops might also bring some of that algae?

Been in the hobby nearly a year, but just have been running a nano 15g display with 25 sump. Originally set up with live sand/rock, etc., since it was so small.
Haven't had to think of actually cycling and setting up properly until now, but it's fun!