Tank Upgrade?


New member
Right now I have two tanks, a 20 gallon high and a 10 gallon. I was thinking of converting my 10 gallon to a 20 gallon low (there is about 20 lbs of LR in my 10 gallon anyway). Right now the only thing in the 10 gallon is 1 candy cane coral, 1 Gold Maroon Clown, and 1 Cleaner Shrimp. The reason i'm thinking about this is that the clown is almost out growing the 10 gallon.

If i do this, I need to get rid of everything except my protein skimmer (I have a Aqua C Remora on my 10 gallon). On the other hand, I have ALOT more room to put things in the tank, and to make it into another display tank (I'm limiting myself to 20 gallon tanks since if I move it wont be a big hassle draining it and moving it).

So if I do this, what type of lighting should I go to? Stick to a new PC fixutre, VHO, or MH? The 10 gallon is also prooving to be a hassle because of the MASSIVE evaporation rate compared to my 20 gallon. Too bad clown fish can't be placed in with each other (Clarkii in my 20 H and a Maroon in my 10 gallon).

EDIT: If i do this I will keep the 10 gallon up until the new tank has cycled.
The lighting all depends on what you want to keep, unless you are considering SPS I would stick with PC lighting.