Target feeding your Z‘s & P's

I use baby medicine dropper, from Longs or


You could also use something like this:


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I like that last one Grandis, Right now I use a $1 Turkey Baster which works pretty well, and when I accidentally stepped on the first one I didnt mind so much =P

Definitely need to look at the one with the needle fitting.
I like that last one Grandis, Right now I use a $1 Turkey Baster which works pretty well, and when I accidentally stepped on the first one I didnt mind so much =P

Definitely need to look at the one with the needle fitting.

The one for babies that I use is pretty inexpensive too.
I never tried the long ones yet and therefore I can't talk much about them.

I think I'll try to use other types after this tread.
Probably one of the fine/longer ones would be easier for my system...

I'm glad the market now is pretty good, offering so many different types...

Happy polyps, happy reefer. LOL!! :bounce3:


^^^^I like this one as my tank is 20" deep.

I made a 20" long smaller semi flexible 3ml syringe type that work fine but again hit or miss at pinpointing pieces of food.


Got a set of SS alligator forceps the large is 14" long that work really good at pinpoint single pieces of food if your looking to cut down waste that can add unwanted nutrients

No mods needed as when I target feed its only a mix of defrosted mashed up frozen food, Selcon, crushed/mashed soft sinking krill pellets, cyclpeeze. Its also a good instrument to move small things around, blow detrius and sand off rock work.
Da Maui life:
How exactly do you use the forceps?
Did you get both as a set?
From where?

Good thread!!


Da Maui life:
How exactly do you use the forceps?
Did you get both as a set?
From where?

Good thread!!



For opening and closeing, they work just like scissors you can pick up meaty/dry food drop it right on the polyp. Jaws open a good ¼” tip is about an 1/8” wide. Got them both as a set from Amazon smaller set is 6” long think around 14 bucks. I’ll look it up and post a link. They are nice to have in your quiver for a number of thing like picking things out of puka’s and such.



From Vivid:

I didn't know we had so many choices and different brands.

And... if you want to just set it up and relax watching:
"A refrigerated auto-feeder; this DIY unit features 1) a compact, programmable, multi-line food doser, 2) a magnetic stirrer to keep cyclopeese in suspension, 3) an independent vodka doser, and 4) a three-way motorized ball valve to divert return flow directly back to the sump during feeding. Photo by Steve Weast."
From an interesting article:

maybe im just a newb but Ive been using a 5ml syringe and just dusting them with my frozen mysis and brine shrimp. Arms gets wet and I occasionally get nipped but its all good.