tattoo studio 240g , 365g total vloume


New member
i am starting this thread for the new tank going into the wall at my new tattoo studio. It will be a glass cages 240 long ( 96x24x25) with a 125 underneath for the sump. it will be a very simple setup with a mag 24 return pump, split into two returns with penductors on each return, and a squid for wave making, so each return will get the full grunt of the pump off and on. there will be 2 heaters 1 battery backup and 2 icecap660 ballasts pushing a total of 8 4 ft vho's this will be predominately a softie tank with a few peices of cap. it will have a deep sand bed and the livestock plan thusfar consists of angels , angels, and oh yeah more angels. the backdrop story for the tank is that i have owned and operated my own tattoo studios for almost ten years now and have been in my current location for almost 8 of that, and have simply outgrown the place. i have always had 1 or 2 tanks in the studio, and since last year when i purchased my 11footer from glass cages i have want ed a big boy in the shop. now i have the opportunity so i am going for it. as i stated we have long outgrown our current studio, so for the last few months i have been doing major remodeling of a 2300 sq ft facility, in wich i have the perfect spot for a big tank, right behind the reception area.
as of this point i have demoed out half of that wall and constructed the stand wich sits at 55" tall so it can be seen easily from the whole studio. green board has been placed where regular drywall used to be to control moisture and the electric has been ran and installed under the stand dedicated for the system. i will post some pics of the progress thusfar in a day or so.
also the disply is due to arrive on may 9th so just right around the corner.
i just started this thread yesterday, so no , i havent had a chance to upload any pics yet. i am hoping to tonight. and as far as fish i am probably going to keep it to mainly angels. nice bright big colorful ones and maybe a couple smaller ones and possibly some dwarfs as well. i am going for color and movement since it will be on display where tons of people will see it everyday
y would you say that kar93. most softies are pretty noxious and most fish angels included wont have much or anything to do with them. in the past the only corals i have had trouble with keeping with angels are sps.
thats interesting i personaly have kept some angels in a mixed tank and the only thing they ever destroyed were my sps. i do agree that they may ocassionaly nip at them but most of the softies i am putting in are going to be pretty noxious, so i seriously doubt they will be to active at picking on them. i guess like i always say each tank is a different experiment and each fish is an individual, so you never know how anything will turn out
i do have some i just need to download them and the put them on here i have been busy as all h#%% with thew build. i may just wait till tomorrow , because the tank is due to arrive today.
and as promised here are some pics

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with the wall cut out and stand in place

sump ( 125g with baffles)

with tank in place, i am 6 ft 3 for a size comparison

one side of the return line hidden in dead spots of the wall

from across the shop, while everything is still just in drywall
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just for general knowledge so we dont go through the same thing we did on my other thread, ther is a full layer or foam board underneath the tank on this one! lol. also just for general knowledge the stand is a full 54 inches tall, so it can be seen from every practicaly every inch of the shop wich is approx. 2300 sq ft. but the down side of that is that even i have to get on a ladder to get into the thing, and im a little over 6 ft 3
thanks dione everything is coming together nicely on the shop and the tank. as far as the business goes i have been in operation for nyself for ten years and we have simply just outgrown our current location so the shop you see here is nearly 3 times our current size so i figured why not add a tank that is 3 times the size of the current one, wich is a 65 in wall veiwable from both sides so i figured 240 long was the appropriate tank for the new shop!