Teleconverter for Nikon D80 help


New member
What are the primary attributes to a teleconverter that I should be looking for?

or any recommendations on one that is not over $200? It will be used with a 18-200mm VR lens (Nikon brand). a 2x would be preferred.

here is a link to a site with several choices if pointing one of these out specifically may be easiest.
Do you really need that reach? 2x TC degrades the quality of photos by quite a bit, even when used with high end lenses. I wouldn't even think about using it on the 18-200mm VR lens for one.

Using a 2x TC means that you lose two stops of light. Using it on that lens means that the 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 becomes a 26-400mm f/7.1-11 lens. What this effectively means is that you will lose autofocus with that setup (after f/8, you lose AF on the D2 series bodies).

Also, image quality degrades. You lose both sharpness and contrast.

You'll also have to practice long lens technique and have a lot of light to shoot with. At 400mm, you would need a shutter speed of at least 1/400 if you're handholding and if you're using a tripod, 1/100.

For all intents and purposes, I would advise against using a 2x TC and stick to either the 1.4x or 1.7x TC (I own all 3 so this is from experience).
thanks for your reply. i have decided to just go with a 400mm camera instead.

i do however need the reach. the purpose of this is for a Safari in Africa in July. will be doing private tours so will have plenty of room for a tri-pod.

now the question is, would is be crazy to use a 1.4x or 1.7x TC on a 400mm?
Depends on how far away you'll be from the game. Also, which base lens you use.

If you're using the 80-400mm lens, then at 400mm, it's a f/5.6 lens at that range. If you want to retain AF, then you have to keep it at f/8 or faster. Your best bet is the 1.4x TC as you only lose one stop, making that lens a 560mm f/8 lens. Also, out of all the TC, that one degrades the least as far as image degradation is concerned.