tell me the best set-up for a 45g reef

cliff tishler

New member
I have the tank but need lights, skimmer, LR ,some kind of filter.

Would appreciate your thoughts on the best way to go at a

modest price. Not too cheap not very top of the line. Refugium?

Sump? Filter. I would like th option of keeping all types of corals.

I know this is asking alot but appreciate your ideas.
Hey Cliff,

Are you looking to set up a tank that is devoted to plants and/or macroalgae? if not, you might want to ask this question in the Reef Discussion froum where it will get the most viewers.

I have a 45 gallon reef tank myself. I have four 36" VHOs from on it, an AquaC Remora hang-on skimmer, two Maxijet 1200 powerheads for water movement, about 60lbs of Fiji live rock that I got from, a sandbed made up of somewhat coarse sand that is around 4" deep, and I grow Caulerpa taxifolia in the tank to help keep nutrients down. In this tank I used to keep a mix of soft corals, LPS corals (just a couple) and a few SPS frags. Under this lighing most highly photosynthetic SPS won't grow like mad but they lived and did allright. I have since set up a 75 gallon reef tank and made my 45 gallon tank into a soft coral tank. I don't have a refugium on this tank. The only fish I have are a Fiji blue damsel and a yellow watchman goby.

If you have the option, I would add a refugium where you can grow macroalgae and let critters like copepods and mysis shrimp thrive and produce food for you main display tank. There are lots of 'fuge pics in the RC gallery:
