Tent Fumigation ?


Premium Member
I know this as been asked plenty of times, I live in a townhouse an its time again after 10 years to tent. Its not a problem to wrap the tank and stand in plastic. The problem is running air line to a pump 300 feet from my house. Can I just get by with the wrap, its a 75gal very few corals and 6 fish. Should I leave a powerhead running in the tank ?..........this couldn't of come at a worst time.
crap, I had my moms apt tented when I was living there. I didn't take a risk, I had to knock It down and put my livestock in a LFS for a few days, then I had to rebuild. I lost a sailfin tang in the mess. =( but what a effin' mission.

good luck
Ive read several post where people just wrap the tank up real good and everything was fine. I still have a few days...........thanks for all the suggestions.........I have my fingers crossed
I had success with this method; however keep in mind the temperature swing. Each house is shaded and insulated differently so you have to make a judgment call on that.
The problem is running air line to a pump 300 feet from my house. Can I just get by with the wrap, its a 75gal very few corals and 6 fish.

The purpose of the air pump is not so much in providing fresh air, it's actually keeping positive pressure inside the wrapped area so that any tiny breach in the seal becomes an exit for fresh air, not an entrance for poison. Of course, you want to use fresh air. Oxygen is an alternative, but I would think that unless you have an Oxygen tank and regulator, it wouldn't be cost effective. A dive tank is an option. It's more likely that you have one of those, or know someone that does.
All in all, I would consider it as important to the process as the plastic you use to wrap your tank (and sump, refugium, skimmer etc.), and find a way to get fresh air pumped into each segment of your system that's individually wrapped.
You should, without question keep circulation in your tank. How are you controlling temperature?
The purpose of the air pump is not so much in providing fresh air, it's actually keeping positive pressure inside the wrapped area so that any tiny breach in the seal becomes an exit for fresh air, not an entrance for poison. Of course, you want to use fresh air. Oxygen is an alternative, but I would think that unless you have an Oxygen tank and regulator, it wouldn't be cost effective. A dive tank is an option. It's more likely that you have one of those, or know someone that does.
All in all, I would consider it as important to the process as the plastic you use to wrap your tank (and sump, refugium, skimmer etc.), and find a way to get fresh air pumped into each segment of your system that's individually wrapped.
You should, without question keep circulation in your tank. How are you controlling temperature?
Thanks DgenR8.................For some reason they said no outside pumps. So im just going to run my power heads, and hope for the best.