Termites!!! What should i do to my tank?


New member
Ok well recently i have an infestation of termites you might say. Well i think i may have to get the house treated and maybe even bombed. I have an sps tank and im wondering what would happen to the tank if this does have to happen which it most likely will. Any help would be greatly appreciated in the dilemma im in right now.

P.S if anyone else has ever had this prob could you share the experiance and what you did.
well i would try but its not up to me its up to my mom and i really think she just wants the termites gone instead of saving my tank:rolleyes: :rolleyes: I may try and get her to look into it though.
if she wont go for that if your tank is only 29 gallons break it down and move it.. shouldnt be that hard...
cant you just seal the top of the tank off, with somethign like celephane, while the house is under the tent. then just run a large bag of carbon in the tank while it is sealed off just incase.

or just run a large amount of carbon while this is all going on.

I agree with Gabriel, move it... or risk losing it. Ask a friend if they can keep a 55G trash can in their garage for a week with you fish and corals in it.

Actually, Terminex has a means of putting baited stakes around the house and seeing to them once a quarter. This is actually more efficient, kills the colonies, and does not expose the house to fumes. Discuss this option with your mother. I'm from Oklahoma and lived on a lake: we had a lot of termite problems until we went with that system.

Otherwise, saran-wrap your tank and shut everything down including the air for the number of hours the family is to be out of the house: then open all windows and turn on mega-fans, unwrap and turn on the bubblers. Run carbon AND polypads for 3 days. This at least works for flea sprays.
dont risk it. move it if you can. i'm sure your like the rest of us and put alot of time and effort into you reef. its not worth the risk.IMO
How long do you have to be away from the house? I know of someone that went through this, they had a very large tank. He had to basically tent his tank. He couldn't just turn stuff off because of the length of time. He had to add an 02 tank and he even had to hide that from the exterminators because they didn't want any air (pressure) added to their sealed up tent. I don't think you can turn off your stuff becuase of the loss of gas exchange within your system.

If it were me, i'd move it to another location until all was safe.
If you can possibly move it, I'd move it, I agree, and keep it gone for a few days---have you got a friend or relative you can move in on?
If you have dry wood termites then you have to tent the house. Stakes are used for the subterranium termites. If they are dry wood temites you have to break down the tank. They will disconnect power to the house during fumigation tenting with dry wood termites. Hopefully you have subterrean type
They look like Sub. termites and not dry wood. How do you tell the difference. Also would anything hapen to the tank if they stake the house?
eastern subterranean are all that you have to deal with in the northeast (even other species that imported wont survive northeast winters)

you can have a tradition liqiuid treatment with no worries as long as you do a little prep on your tanks behalf.

If you want to go with a non-invasive baiting treatment, then sentricon, exterra, etc will be fine, but they will probably still do a spot liquid treatment to take care of the most active area of infestation.
(oh... 3rd generation Termite & Pest Control Business Operator here FWIW)

and for everybody playing along at home... the treatment method will vary by the area you live in per the species termites that inhabit that area.
Well hopefully i have sub. temites and not drywood termites so that they wont have to spray the house. If they do then i will just bring my tank elsewhere and just use it as an excuse to buy a bigger one. Maybe a 120??:D

Thanks for all the help.