Terrible day setting up old tank need advice


New member
I moved two years ago and left the tank along with all the rock and sand sit in the garage until yesterday. I got it cleaned up pretty good and had some relatives come over to move it onto its new stand.

180 gallon oceanic tank with two overflows at 1/4 points on the back.

They got it off the old stand and then were taking it through the doorway in the new room. Then water started coming out of the bottom corner. Very little as there was less than 2 gallons in the tank.

So I had them sit it back down on the tank dolly. The only way I can tell that there is a leak is when the tank is tilted. If it is flat no water comes out but when its tilted its like somewhere the glass/silicone is flexing about 4 inches up from the corner on the 6' side. I cant tell where the leak is by any means since it has the black plastic wrapped around it.

I have no idea what I should do. It seems like setting it up flat will work but I cant bring myself to do that. We put about 30 gallons of water in it just to test it and no leaks until we lift it about 30 degrees and then just a very tiny amount of water will come up from the black plastic about 4 inches up from the bottom front corner.

Any suggestions on repair or should I just ditch it? I dont really want to cut the silicone at the bottom and redo it unless I know that would fix the problem. Then I would have to do the whole front just to be safe wouldnt I?

The way its leaking is making me think the actual glass is flexing and the silicone behind the black plastic is also damaged.

If I end up having to get a new tank I will not be going with oceanic since the tank is only 5 years old. Any suggestions that make the exact same dimensioned tank as this one was going into a wall that was built to hide the black strips.
Are you positive it's not just water trapped under the black plastic frame (from cleaning it)? I have cleaned tanks, dried them real good then by the time I move them to their spot they need dried again because water leaks out from under the black plastic.

Is this a lot of water of may e 1/2 cup full or so?
I'd say about 3-4 onces came out the first time we noticed it. Then when we put the 30 gallons in it to test we lifted it up only until we saw signs of water coming from that location again.

I guess it could be possible but I didnt get hardly any water on the outside of the tank when draining it since it was drained with a hose only.

I double check tomo before making a decision on resiliconing it.

I've been searching the web about repairing tanks and havent seen any in depth videos of what to do about the leak being located behind the plastic strip. Will cutting a foot or so section where it is coming from inside the tank and siliconing it be a good start?
OK. This is too odd! Today I decided to search for the leak and when I tilted the tank on the opposite end the same thing is happening in the adjacent corner. No water leaked out of the tank while it was setting over night.

I just dont see how I could have two leaks that arent leaking when its sitting level. Its 90+ degrees outside and the water that is trapped in the plastic should be evaporated by now especially after emptying it by sitting the tank upright.

So if thta is the case then there has to be two leaks. I guess it could be possible that where ever the leak is is hidden and water is traveiling to the lowest point inside the plastic trim and is only revealing itself when the tank is tilted since there arent any wet spots under it before tilting it.

I dont know what to do!
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You have water trapped in the plastic frame and when you tilt it one way the water in the plastic frame will of course run to the lowest point (gravity). When you pick up the other end the water trapped in the plastic frame will run to the lowest point (again gravity). I have 2 one hundred gallon plastic tubs filled with live rock in my shop. The water evaporates a very minute amount in the course of two weeks, b/c the humidity where I live doesnt allow the water to evaporate.( I live in the dirty south..it get over 90 everyday) Unless you put it in direct sunlight your tank sitting in the garage will prob not evaporate the water in 24 hours. It would evaporate faster in your house.
You have water trapped in the plastic frame and when you tilt it one way the water in the plastic frame will of course run to the lowest point (gravity). When you pick up the other end the water trapped in the plastic frame will run to the lowest point (again gravity). I have 2 one hundred gallon plastic tubs filled with live rock in my shop. The water evaporates a very minute amount in the course of two weeks, b/c the humidity where I live doesnt allow the water to evaporate.( I live in the dirty south..it get over 90 everyday) Unless you put it in direct sunlight your tank sitting in the garage will prob not evaporate the water in 24 hours. It would evaporate faster in your house.

Yeah I understand that but its on the opposite adjacent corner not just the opposite corner. That is what confuses me. I cant get any water to show up on the opposite corner by tilting it.
Can't you fill it up in the garage and let it sit for a couple of weeks to determine whether it is truly leaking? That's what I do when I purchase used tanks.
It was just full as of two days ago and had been for a long time. It may just be water trapped but I dont know how it could have gotten there. I emtied the tank with a hose and didnt really get water on the outside of it at any time. I will find out here shortly if any green water makes it out when I tilt the tank again. Been letting it sit for 9 hours now I guess. Added some color to the water
Thanks all! It was water trapped in the plastic. Dont know how it got there but glad it wasnt a leak. I've moved the tank twice now and this was the first time water had gotten in there.