test kit

I was hoping to buy a test kit that will work for my reef tank I will be setting up in the next week or two. I am new to this and the last thing I want to do is go putting something in a tank and it die because I was out of my parameters
I think he means a kit with several different tests in it. I use API test kits because it's what the lfs down here stocks. I'd start out with their master SW kit(high range PH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate), and move to a master reef kit(Ca, hardness, phosphate, nitrate) once your cycle is over.
f you are looking to keep corals at all I would not spend the money on the Saltwater kit, as you are going to want to test for phosphates and Calcium almost from the start.

Go for the Master or "reef kit" from the beginning and then supplement that as you go. API are good kits and Salifert are some of the better that people recommend for "hobby" kits.

Be sure and rely more on water changes from the start and "take it slow" I would do weekly water changes for a few weeks before I even worried about doing the first test. Take your time and you will be glad later on. Most people that get in this hobby start adding fish and corals quickly and "saccrifice" lives and dollars. Slower is cheaper in the long run also.

Its hard to wait, we have had my wifes seahorse tank set up running since late october and are still waiting!!!!

Have fun!!
what kind of tank are you thinking about getting
im just asking because i have a couple of tanks im going to be selling in a week or two when i get my 180 gal
I bought a couple of 60 gal corner acrylic aquariums from a guy in Memphis. They were scratched up pretty good and after some intensive manual labor I have gotten one of them restored. It turned out great in my opinion (thanks for the recommendation Marty!!). I have combined the live rock from both tanks and will be putting it in to the one I plan on keeping. I have to leave on a week long trip this next week and will be setting the tank up when I get home.
