Yeah, well I have done a bit of research about multiple angels in one tank. They say not to do it but many people to. reefmvp has 3 large angels in a 120g! I think his queen and emperor are 7" and his french is about 9"? My queen is only 3" and the emperor 4", the gray is a bit over 5" maybe 6". So they aren't huge, I will landscape out the rock so each fish can have a home. They all won't be going into my tank until may, since I am still QTing and getting rid of any disease that may be in the 125. By then I will be in the market for a new tank soon. In the summertime is when I could probably get one.
I am going to wait until the next sale to get the gray, whenever they have %20 off by then. If he finds a new home by then, great. I just don't want him in their tank and water anymore. So we'll see, I just want him to have a good home, he is a great fish. I don't see him having a problem with my queen or emperor, they are very docile and smaller. If anything, they will have a problem with him, he will prolly boss them around, as long as there isn't any fighting, the occasional get out of my space tail fan is ok, just not constant fighting or biting etc.
Like I said, we'll see, I won't be getting him for a few weeks at least. Who knows when they will have another sale, I really need to do car work instead, so I am just getting rid of some stuff to recover from AC and if the gray is in the works, I'll give him a shot. I won't put any of the fish in danger, if there is any problem, I have plenty of QT tanks I could separate them and find a better home for the gray. BTW your PM box is full.