TFP March 17 sale flyer

For those of you looking to get salt I've made a new thread: <A HREF="">Salt from TPP </A>
I'm real impressed Anthony Calfo found our forum thread and wrote us a note? Should be good !! underwater photography through green tinted glass has always been a mystery to me.

sounds good.

Thanks Anthony!
See You There
When will the seminars start? I have to leave by noon to be back to work! I took a half day just for this sale!
Also, who is intending to buy what fish? Just curious, in case I see something up there etc. Because I am looking at buying a new angelfish, hopefully an emperor or maybe a french in the juvi/changing stage. Anyone else interested in livestock?
Haha, I want a cheap emperor. But I don't think I will end up with even an emperor. Haven't seen one in a few months! I may end up getting a flame instead, I want one anyway but would rather get the emperor first. If there is only one, or one left, it's all yours craig. I can wait, and probably should save my money for AC or my gf will be real mad! HAHA! This hobby is too expensive and addicting!
Ok, its pretty slick out there. and farther north had more sleet and snow and lower temp. so drive careful everyone. take your time if still going.
Yeah tell me about it! I almost got killed going up there! My brother had to take his old 84 camaro up there and we tried passing a semi on the only passing lane on 41. We ended up getting sideways on the right side of the truck and passed him. I was looking underneath the semi, we were perpendicular to him! Then I saw those huge tires, I thought we were going to get run over, luckily somehow we managed to spin off to the side of the road towards oncoming traffic. No accident or anyone hurt luckily, very crazy tho! It was all worth it though because I got my emperor angel!!!
Even Anothony said he spun out. I bought a puffer! That is the third member of my crew going in the 75 FOWLR tank.
So you have the puffer, SFE and french, anything else on the list? Better start thinking about an upgrade soon! I am already considering getting a bigger tank this summer, I'd just hate to move outta my apt in december and have to move it again, major PITA!
Yeah, we didn't just spin out, we almost got underneath that semi and ran over by the back tires, it was crazy. But I guess after years of only driving around fast V8 cars, it wasn't that bad, we didn't even scream or flip out, just said that coulda sucked! LOL but were used to getting sideways, do it on purpose, a lot for fun!
I will be upgrading to a new tank when I move if not sooner. I am hoping my French won't have a growth spurt before then, but we shall see. If the upgrade can wait until I move and my new home can hold it I would like to do something around 300g and get an achilies tang at the same time. At this point though the only other thing I am getting is a purple tang from philip.
I tortured myself, I called up TPP to see if they still had that gray angel after the sale and they did! I am going to probably be selling some misc. items to afford him, as a fund to save a playful personality gray angel fish from TPP, HAHA! Hopefully I can sell my stuff and get the money I need to get him, another heater and thermometer, I need to pick up a HOB filter, probably from my brother, we'll see. I just want to give that gray a good home, guess I kinda fell in love with it when I saw it saturday LOL. Anyone wanna donate?
I probably have some kind of HOB filter you could use. What kind would you be looking for. I like aquaclears the best and will probably keep all of those I have, but the penguins and whispers I have laying around I would be find to get rid for less then half what they are worth.

Before we get carried away though are you sure the grey would be ok in the tank with the emperor and everything else you have? Perhaps you should start a post about it. Don't listen to the first person who posts but wait till you get a couple of opinions. Try posting a thread about your tank here and then copy and paste the exact same thread in the "Fish Only & Aggressive Tanks" and the "Reef Fishes" forum. Also consider posting in other forums as well to get some different peoples opinions(if I'm aloud to say there is such a thing as other forums).

Yeah, well I have done a bit of research about multiple angels in one tank. They say not to do it but many people to. reefmvp has 3 large angels in a 120g! I think his queen and emperor are 7" and his french is about 9"? My queen is only 3" and the emperor 4", the gray is a bit over 5" maybe 6". So they aren't huge, I will landscape out the rock so each fish can have a home. They all won't be going into my tank until may, since I am still QTing and getting rid of any disease that may be in the 125. By then I will be in the market for a new tank soon. In the summertime is when I could probably get one.
I am going to wait until the next sale to get the gray, whenever they have %20 off by then. If he finds a new home by then, great. I just don't want him in their tank and water anymore. So we'll see, I just want him to have a good home, he is a great fish. I don't see him having a problem with my queen or emperor, they are very docile and smaller. If anything, they will have a problem with him, he will prolly boss them around, as long as there isn't any fighting, the occasional get out of my space tail fan is ok, just not constant fighting or biting etc.
Like I said, we'll see, I won't be getting him for a few weeks at least. Who knows when they will have another sale, I really need to do car work instead, so I am just getting rid of some stuff to recover from AC and if the gray is in the works, I'll give him a shot. I won't put any of the fish in danger, if there is any problem, I have plenty of QT tanks I could separate them and find a better home for the gray. BTW your PM box is full.