Thanks for the new pump, what the clack?

Chris Witort

New member
Hi Roger,

First I'd like to thank you for replacing my dead pump. I know I'm not the first person here to let you know how much I appreciate your quick and professional service and your support here on the forum but at the risk of stating the obvious, Tunze is lucky to have you representing their company. Now down to business, the pump I got makes a rather loud "clack" each time it turns on, it is enough to startle the fish. I don't know if this is normal or something wrong with the pump? Also I didn't see any of the rubber cushion dots in the box I got. Could i get you to send me some?
This is the 6205 I assume? We can reduce the clack but not eliminate it completely, unfortunately the Stream 2's do clack on start up, the Streams have always been mainly intended for pulsed speed rather than off and on use. A 2nd or 3rd disk can reduce, but not eliminate this noise. I can certainly send you the bumpons, they are typically on a strip of wax paper that is about 1/4" wide and 2.5" long in the box.
Yes, it is the 6205. I have 4 streams in the tank, they alternate with two running at a time this gives me a clockwise then counter clockwise flow in a large tank. There were no "bumpons" that I could find. If you could send me some and the spacers that would be great.
Chris, I am sending the 3M Bumpons and two disks today. Start with one disk, add the second if needed, you can also place the 2nd above the rotor to eliminate the up and down motion, but it should not be tight against the drive unit.
Thanks Roger,
I'll check back and let you know how it works. I really like the new style of the stream pumps, if it works well I may get a couple more.
FWIW, we address the click issue on pumps when we make it as a wavebox pump, the original Streams clicked also and the wavebox pushed the need to reengineer it later, same with the 6055 and the Nano Wavebox. Unfortunately, solving the clicking issue has other compromises, like energy efficiency and complexity of construction. In the fall we will have a new wavebox pump based on the 6205 and it will have new drive unit, but it uses a couple watts more and while it could be used in a 6205, I am not certain it will become the standard issue in a 6205.
Roger, I got the parts you sent and have installed them. With the combination of the bumpons and the washer the new pump is just as quiet as the old streams! Thanks roger for your help and insight to solving this issue.