Thanks pbmas for swap


New member
Thanks for an enjoyable event! And let's thank the board and all the volunteers as this was a lot of work. I think the next swap is fmas in November. But it has not been announced yet. Hope they are working on a great upcoming event! Also great to put faces to names for those of you I met.
Thanks Marke! Great to have you and all your buddies, buyers and sellers! Hope you liked the new location!
I went out there in the afternoon and I had a blast. This was the first PBMAS swap I've been to, and I really enjoyed it! Thanks for all your hard work organizing the event.
agree thank you had a good time and collected some nice pieces made a couple good contacts and learned some guys are NUTZ !!!! lol looking forward to the next time
Ive said this before, PBMAS Frag Swaps continue to grow, and impress!!! Awesome job guys!! New location was sweet, last location though had beer. Im missed that, :)