Thanks to FMAS !


New member
I’d like to thank the members of FMAS for the consideration you showed me at your recent swap while I was visiting my daughter in Boca. I retire and SHE moves to FL. That’s just wrong. I’m a member of CMAS (Chicagoland Marine Aquarium Society) and enjoyed the swap and picked up a few items there. Thanks to Chris and all. I was even lucky enough to win one of the raffle items. I have to admit that with the swap and visiting some of the local LSF/reef stores in the area I came away very impressed with the selection you have down there. Along with what I bought at the swap I came home with some live fish and coral. Great prices and NO shipping costs ! Let me tell you that United Airlines and the TSA look at you funny when you declare LIVE fish and a MH fixture at screening. Not to mention checking it VERY carefully. I now collect TSA inspection tape.

So that there you folks don’t hate me too much for winning at the raffle let me show you what I returned to Wed. Of course I don’t feel too bad since your local weatherman said winter had arrived with the high temp predicted at 65. It was â€"œ16 when I left here and it hasn’t been above 20 since.

The first pic shows what we refer to as “snow”. This is what I came home to. It’s the white stuff covering the ground. It generally shows up about this time of the year annually, sort of like your hurricane season. It’s comprised of what you folks usually put in those fruit flavored drinks with the little umbrellas, namely frozen water. Since we don’t have an ocean nearby we add salt to it on the streets and BINGO we get water with a good SG ! (One reason we have a MAS here)

The second pic is a close-up of the strange red thing in the drive. For those of you who have never been north of Orlando let me explain. It’s like a sideways lawn mower that picks up the white stuff and blows it out of the driveway. It has the clever nickname of snow blower. It sounds strange but it works.



Thanks again folks. I invite you to visit the CMAS site on RC and see how the north part plays the marine game. Blame it on the cold.
that so called "snow Blower" thing looks pretty Betchin bro. i ain't never seen those down at the home depot or lowes. i can tell u that. but hey congratulations on the snow (white stuff on the floor). lol .and im glad that your are able to see how we ride dirty down hear in da souf, and how you see that we don't play no games when it comes to reefin. Chia. ya already know what it is.
PS: Check out the Rockford Reefers site on RC and see what your swap may look like in a few years. I know I'll be there hoping to continue my winning streak of one !!