That Fish Place Anniversary Sale 4-1-06 & 4-2-06


New member
That Fish Place sent out a mailer, and they are having a big Anniversary sale on Sat. 4/1/06 & Sun. 4/2/06. Some highlights...

20% off all fresh/saltwater fish
25% off entire lines from Carib Sea, Kent MArine Magnavore, Seachem Labs, Wardley Labs
Three different salts; buy 3 get 1 free
Tent sale Sat. 9-6, Sun 10-5

Free Seminars: Saturday
11:00:Steven Pro-Selecting Healthy & appropriate fishes
12:00: Julian Sprung Coral propagation seminar & workshop
Auctions and 10-20% off on almost everything

I got my notice too!!

It's the unofficial, annual spring, away team meeting of DRC members. If you Beam Up early on saturday you will no doubt encounter many other DRC member life forms in line for the tent sale to open. Prospect for a few golden nuggets of tent sale treasure, grab a hot dog for lunch and then on inside to the Julian Sprung lecture at noon. Then pick up bargains on supplies, and then finally and most importantly, on to the fish and coral tank room to find something nice to fill that one missing niche in your reef tank.

It's always a full day for me.

see you there.

can"t wait!
I'm definatly going - I promised my GF a tank for her birthday, and this will be the best time to go load up on supplies - if anyone wants to carpool I should have a seat or two open in my car - it'll be a fun ride!

I'll be going early though
When you get up there be sure you get your discount on the salt.

Upon checking out with 4 buckets, I was charged full price for each bucket, even though the 4th one should have been free. I reminded the cashier and she gladly removed it from the total sale for me.

Believe it or not they have plenty of everything up there including salt, Bloop said there livestock wasn't as full as usual but still hard to beat the prices. I got 4 Peppermint Shrimp for $3.49 each, gotta love it.
Arrrrggggg (Andy style) sorry to hear about the B&W Clown :(.

My shwvimps (Bubba Gump style) (peppermint 4) seem to be doing fine as far as I can tell. I just flashed the lights on quickly for a few seconds and saw one of them scurrying away from an aptasia (yyaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy). Have at it boys!!

I inadvertently got the wrong length VHO but luckily Ken's assembly was easy to adjust and I put the 46.5" light in where the 48" should be, with about 5 minutes worth of adjusting and all is well.

Right now my set up on the lights is as follows (for Ken mostly), 1 Actinic 110 watt, 1 Actnic R (or super actinic) 110 watt, 1 Daylight(10,000k) 110 watt, 1 daylight (10,000k) 110 watt @ 46.5". The first three are all 48" length.

The brightness of adding 1 more 10,000k and removing 1 actinic is very noticeable and the fish seem to prefer it much more than my original 3 actinic to 1 10,000k daylight set up.

My Halimeada is growing nicely too and I've got at least 3 decent size group patches. These originally came attached to some of the rock I got from Zach but quickly died off. Now, with no assistance from me, all the original algae as well as a few of the tiny brittle stars and one thumb sized starfish have all rebounded.
Originally, all the small brittle stars that came in on the rock (Zach's) seemed to have burned up in the tank despite the fact that all of the levels were normal.

The super scraper magnet or whatever you call it, bit me real good. When I was trying to seperate the two halves, to show my kids how strong the magnets were, I accidentally had it too close to my stomach and it slightly opened then bit me pretty good very quickly. I received a nice blood blister on my abdomen from it lol. Case in point, do not try this naked.
I am a completely untrained unprofessional.

One of the shwvimps already molted the first night too.
hey, agent WD-40 , the hood was made for 48's because they are easier to find and cost less. i guess you moved the endcaps off the wood strip mount. glad it accomodated the retro, didnt think of that. i've switched mine back and forth from 3 act's and 1 50/50 to 2 act's and 2 50/50's. the later is brighterand yellower and the former bluer and more pleasant to the eye. both grow well.

Shrimp are great. it wont be long till they spawn and feed the tank with live fish food. they do it every few weeks once big enough.
wds21921, okay, the magnet wiper has never bit me whilst I was naked. However, its eyes get all buggy. :p

I am glad your shrimps are doing their duty!
I hope they continue to do well as I've never had much luck with shvwimps (any species).

So far in a matter of 3 days, I've had at least 8 small aptasias completley disappear that I've been keeping a close eye on. I'm going to continue a very sparse feeding regimine so they will continue there war for me.
If all else fails I can get Rumsfeld to throw in a few billion and pay off the Aptasias to quell them for a while.