the 1700g stingray reef

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7289065#post7289065 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Draggie
Dgasmd, if running a dual chamber CA rx do you think filling the top third of the second chamber with PO4 remover will work and do the same thing instead of having an effulent bucket ?

I WOULD NOT , and I repeat, I WOULD NOT recommend doing that at all. I have no idea the kinds of ill effects one can get from degrading the media there so much with the errosion of the recirculating water. I have done it witht he effluent drip container successfully for a number of years now without any noticeable issues I can attribute to it, so that is the only thing I could recommend based on personal experience only.
Here is a picture of my little container. It was built originally by someone here in RC that I can't remember the name, but I know he does not do them anymore. It is quite simple actually.


The effluent enters the top at the white hose barb and goes down a tub in the middle where a pH probe sits to measure effluent pH. The media sits in a little plate (gray colored) and the effluent has to go through it on the way up and out the gray colored spout on the side. Sort of like a fluidized reactor, but the effluent would have to be like a garden hose rate for it to make it fluidize.:lol: :lol: :lol:
Looks like you have a nice sized junk yard there! :lol:

Can you post more angles of that "fluidizer"? I wonder where that gray perforated plate came from?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7289242#post7289242 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
I wonder where that gray perforated plate came from?

Looks liek a piece of plastic he just cut and drilled to fit. Nothing fancy really. It used to have a little piece of green padding at the bottom to prevent the media from going through the holes, but I took it off because I found it compltely unnecessary and something that would plug at some point when I was not paying attention.

If you want anything else about this thing, just email me instead as I don't want to derail Energy/spazz's thread any further.
Is this a Dendrophelia (or however you spell it):

hi there nexdog,

i think thats a Scleronephthya sp. as the spicules seem quite apparent.
a gorgeous specimen, though terribly difficult to keep.

energy... Hi. i know everyones said this countless times over, but lovely, lovely set up! truly gorgeous. i especially like the snowflake clowns. theyre cute, very much like the white caps, but so terribly expensive!!

cant wait for several months to pass to view your system in its full totm glory!

Dgasmd- Derail away- that's a great idea. I might set-up my reactor on the refugium where I have the effluent pumped into. Currently my chaeto gets first crack at the phosphate and excess CO-2. Then it drains into the main sump to get processed by the po reactor.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7291179#post7291179 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Energy
Dgasmd- Derail away- that's a great idea. I might set-up my reactor on the refugium where I have the effluent pumped into. Currently my chaeto gets first crack at the phosphate and excess CO-2. Then it drains into the main sump to get processed by the po reactor.

ok i will figure out a way to add that in there. ha ha ha
not real hard to do.
Hmmm...good idea to feed the effluent into the fuge. I have read about some people feeding the Ca effluent through their skimmers to blow off the excess CO2 as well.

I wonder if running Ca effluent as well as ozone through a skimmer would work out OK?
Why not? I used to run the effluent through the skimmer to eat up excess CO-2 but then switched to pumping it into my refugium to supercharge the Chaeto. The refugium then dumps into the main sump so just the movement of the water helps to off-gas a little extra CO-2 .
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7291179#post7291179 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Energy
Currently my chaeto gets first crack at the phosphate and excess CO-2. Then it drains into the main sump to get processed by the po reactor.

Actually, macroalgae uses very little to no PO4, but it does get supercharged with the extra CO2 as a carbon source. So, putting your effluent into the refugium is a good thing, especially if you run your refugium 24/7. Macro is exceedingly good at absorbing nitrates mostly, but extremely poor at doing much of anything with PO4. Even if you run your effluent through one of these things, I would still have it come into the refugium as you are doing. You get the best of both worlds.

The only reason I can think of to not run your effluent into the skimmer is because the extremely high DKH and Ca, in contact with a warm pump, is a perfect receipe for Ca deposits on your pump's impeller assembly. Depending on the type of pump you run, this may increase significantly the wear of the impeller assembly and may increase th frequency at which you get it all out for a good vinegar dip and scrub.
Good point about the pump and I am using a Sequence 4200 so it would take a lot to mess that up! I just don't like having to mess with it and shut everything down to do it.
The only drawback I've come across having the effluent drain into the refugium is the water in my fuge moves slowly. So the calcium levels ar quite high in that compartment, rather than flowing directly into my reef where I really need it most.
Good point. I think I will have mine go into my skimmer and then be dispersed throughout the system. That will give a good mixing in 50g while off-gassing the CO2. I am going to have to run a little more flow than most reactors I see and I think the skimmer provides an extra measure of safety. That may prove to increase pump maintainance a bit and go through more magnet cleaner pads but I think it will be worth it in terms of reef health.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7320379#post7320379 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lunchbucket
podcast??? it's been so long ago i heard one i can't remember what they are


Me either! :mad:
OK, I guess we did a great job at derailing the thread. Maybe we can now get back to the original subject of it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7321521#post7321521 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dgasmd
OK, I guess we did a great job at derailing the thread. Maybe we can now get back to the original subject of it.
that would require new pics, so let's see some new pics of this beautiful system :D
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