the 1700g stingray reef

On the Rowaphos problems, I've heard about some people having RTN/STN problems if they use the full amount initially.

It seems best to use a small amount at first and ramp it up over a month or two.

C Dub
I've cut way back on the Rowaphos and the initial problems have subsided. As far as the big skimmer goes it's still on Scott's agenda. I know he doesn't have all the parts yet but will probably have them in the next few months. "Big Ugly" is handling the bioload just fine in the mean time. I've shut down my other skimmer to save on electrical costs but have it ready in case of emergencies.
the big skimmer will be built this fall and installed when energys work load slows down a little. there will have to be some major changes made to the fish room to fit the big skimmer in place. this will be a fun experment when we start it.
Did the Gem tang ever make it in the tank yet? I might have missed it in the theard....and anymore updated pictures??!!
energy has been so busy with his work that he dont even have time to look at his emails. this fall when things slow down im sure he will be back posting to this thread. we will also update the thread when his skimmer starts being built. we are shooting for this oct to have ti cranked up and running.

the bata tank is still in his holding tank until he gains some size. energy is afraid he will be picked on if he put him in the tank right now. he is fattening him up so he will grow faster and then he will put him in the main tank. it is a very beautiful fish and i dont blame him for keeping him away from the larger fish in the tank.
Updates- There have been a few changes to the tank - some are noteworthy -most are not. One of my orange spotted rabbitfish developed a taste for zoanthids and wiped all of them out (argh). I picked up a choat's leapord wrasse which is starting to eat prepared foods and has been doing fine. This is great since they have a very low survival rate. I also picked up a rare Rhomboid wrasse which seems healthy. Everything else is Par for the course with little ups and downs here and there. TFH sent me a few copies of the magazine with the article on my Tank. That was quite an honor to be recognized. I don't feel like my tank is better than any one elses only bigger than most. There are many beatiful tanks (especially on Reef central) which are much nicer than mine by far!
Thanks for the update. Sorry about your zoos. I just discovered I have AEFW in my reef, so I'm going to be dealing with that for the next month or so. Don't let them get into your reef.
Been a while! I got a Rhomboid pair as well. Be careful with them in QT...I had one jump and do what we call here, The Fish Stick. Total bummer as you know they aren't cheap. If you see it eyeing the surface in a semi verticle orientation, make sure you cover your QT!

Interestingly enough, mine came in from Kevco and directly to my house, and the wrasses ate prepared foods immediately. In fact the surviving one is a total hog and mixes it up with all the other fish to get food. It is acting very well and getting along with my Blue Sided Scott's Fairy Wrasse. I am surprised they haven't had problems but perhaps tank size helps a bit. All in all I am very pleased with the Rhomboid. :D
Energy, where in Mendota Heights do you live? I just moved here a month ago. I'm setting up a 220g SPS Reef right now.
Your tank is awesome, love the fact you also collect rare fish. Whats your favorite fish in your system so far (besides the stingray obviously?)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7882357#post7882357 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bkbkid
Energy, where in Mendota Heights do you live? I just moved here a month ago. I'm setting up a 220g SPS Reef right now.
Your tank is awesome, love the fact you also collect rare fish. Whats your favorite fish in your system so far (besides the stingray obviously?)

are you a part of the TCMAS club here in the twin cities? if not you should join the club.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7879877#post7879877 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Energy
Updates- There have been a few changes to the tank - some are noteworthy -most are not. One of my orange spotted rabbitfish developed a taste for zoanthids and wiped all of them out (argh).

If I could only be so lucky. I finally got an orange spotted rabbitfish too. I had been looking for one for over 3 years and never saw one locally. Then, one day I walk into this one LFS and they like 4 of them sitting there for like $20 each. I took 2 home, one for the small tank and one for the big tank. Nice fish.

Look forward to seeing the article.:D
wow i should borrow that rabbit fish for a week. i have some pest zoos that i would liketo get rid of. ha ha ha ha ha