The 210 Reef begins...

They are awesome skimmers. I can't say enough good things about lifereef. There's customer service is second to none!!
Well unfortunately my build is on hold.. Had to take the dog into the vet on monday because he was having a hard time breathing.. After X-rays and ultra sounds and spending time in an oxygen chamber they still dont know what is wrong.. He has an appointment with a cardiologist on Friday.. no its not a joke.. its crazy I know but my dog is my best friend and I am going to do everything with in my power to help him. I even put up my 1969 Camaro RS for sale and I have a pending sale ... Its funny how life creeps up on you when you least expect it. :headwally:
Ok Im back... It has been the worst 3 weeks of my life.. Dog has cancer, got laid off from work, and sold my 1969 Camaro.. so what better to do than finish this build....

I set to work and after a trip to Lowes, I laid out the pluming pieces..






Here is the finished product.


Placed a large order today with Bulk Reef Supply. I bought 2 of their jumbo reactors and some phosban and calcium additive and 2 pieces of live rock just to test it out. I really want to get some of their pukani but they are all out for at least 2 weeks. I am running a mag 18 fir a return pump I just hope that will be enough to feed this thing. Next on my list of things to buy will be power heads and and cartridges for the RODI and salt. Then I will be able to fill this thing with water.. In the mean time I am going to go get the lumber and start working on this stand and hopefully get that finished. I was on rapid LED today doing some research on which LED's I want to run. As of right now I am looking at 72 RB and 36 CW with 4 moon lights.. I want to run them on 2 drivers and dim them with a Apex controller.. So many things to do......

I need to give some credit to my friend TJ for driving all the way over here from Pensacola to help me set this plumbing up.. He left at 11pm to go to a 12am work shift.... thanks bro..
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I just picked up some more live rock last night and it had the most beautiful coraline alge on it and it wss covered in mushroom polyups.. Just awesome! Pics will be coming shortly..
Pictures as promised...




Would you believe that I only paid 200 for 75lbs of purple live rock that has mushrooms and copepods and they even threw in a nice little green haddoni.. the green carpet is in place for a few days till I can get a home for him..
Sorry to hear about your dog, the car and the job... How are you holding up?

Thank you for your concern i appreciate it. I am doing ok. Dog has cancer but is in full remission.. the 3"x2" tumor in his chest is gone and he is still under going chemo treatments twice a month at Auburn University.. $$$$.. I have a new job lined up and am just waiting for a call from their VP which should take place on Monday. I sold the car, so I now have to money to pay for things..

Here is the car leaving...


And the reason why I sold it...

Wow man what a beautiful car, sorry you had to sell it but once when I saw your dog I knew why. Ive had 4 english bulldogs. I recently lost my Bernese mountain dog shortly after she gave birth. Best dog Ive ever had. Hope your dog makes it and you get your job you have lined up. Awesome build too!
So things are finally starting to develop on this build.. money came in and well now I have

108 Cree LED's on the way for a DIY LED build.. I got 72 XPE Royal Blue with 55* optics and 36 XPG cool white with 65* optics. I am going to use T-Slot extruded aluminum for the frame/heat sink . The LED's will be powered by 2 meanwell drivers HLG-320-48b and HLG185-48b. I plan to control and dim the lights via a Apex controller..
I also ordered the Mahogany plywood and boards to finish the stand out nicely. I also have 2 mp40's on the way and I couldn't help myself when I was offered a deal on a blue haddoni carpet anemone that I could not pass up... I also have a few Acan's on the way from Divers Den. I am getting ahead of myself aren't I ? This weekend I will order the Apex controller and then I should be well on my way to getting this stand finished and water in this tank... Oh I also put in a nice order will BRS today and got a few odds and ends and some Pukani. I will post up pics of everything when it comes in. and fully document the DIY LED Build.. Also I want to thank NuclearHeli for the inspiration on the T-slot and LED build.
Progress moves very slowly it seems..

I have been able to complete my 108 DIY LED's build. I ended up going with 72 XR-E Royal Blue and 36 XP-G White for a nice 2-1 ratio that put out a nice 20k glow. I took cues from Nuclearheli's build here on RC and used T-Slot framing for the heatsink and frame of the lights. I have never really attempted anything like this and I will say that I learned allot in the process of building this.

I only wanted to run 2 drivers total so here is how I set it up

For the Royal blues I am powering them with the HLG 240-48b @5A. I have 6 strings of 12 and here is why.

5A divided by 6 gives us 834 mA . The XR-E's run at 3.3 volts so 72 x 3.3 gives me 237.6 Watts

Using the know Amperage (834mA) X the watts per string (12 x 3.3) gives me 33.026 Volts per string .

The Whites are run by HLG-185-48b @ 3.9A

3.9 divided by 4 strings give .975 A. The XP-G run at 3.7 volts so 36 X 3.7 gives me 133 watts

Using the know Amperage (.975A) X the watts per string (12 x 3.7) gives me 43.29 Volts per string .

I really hope this helps.



When I got home from work on friday night my meanwell drivers were there waiting for me and I could not help myself so I set to work...I was up till 330 am on friday night working on this thing trying to get everything to light up..

Here it is on max intensity.


I have a MP40 on the way and the Mahogany lumber has been delivered so I hope to be able to finish out this stand soon..

I have a 55gal going right now as a holding tank for my livestock. I currently have a melanus wrasse, flame Angel, Blue Tang, and a small blue damsel that is 12 years old that I have named Methuselah. Water going into the big tank soon I hope...

I have also been able to mod my RODI to up the flow from 90 GPD to 300 by installing 2 150 GPD membraines that I got off of ebay in a piggy back configuration and I have started filling barrels with 0 tds RO water.



I am still fighting annoying leaks and I am still working on the stand and the hood. I also still need to mount the LEDs but that will come when the hood is completed.
It has been almost 4 months since my last post and many many things have changed.. The reef is in full swing and I wanted to post some pictures to share..






My current live stock :

Yellow tang
rainbow wrasse
Christmas Wrasse
exquisite fairy wrasse
Magnificent Fox Face
3 Green Chromis
Lawnmower Blenny
2 Ocellaris clowns

In Quarantine :
Purple tang
Blue Hippo tang
Power Blue tang
Desjardin's Sailfin tang
Flame Angel
blue yellow tail damsil
3 psuetochromis


XL Orange and Purple Wellsophyllia brain coral
Red and Blue wellsophyllia brain coral
Green w/ purple tip Wall hammer
3 Neon Green Candy cane coral colonies
Branching hammer deep green and deep purple tips (7 heads)
Branching Frog spawn- Green and Purple (5 heads)
Branching hammer- pale green and purple. (clowns Host it)
Golden Torch coral (Wall 6 heads)
10 Acan frags (5-7 heads)- all colors- purples greens oranges reds & grays- awesome corals cant wait to get full colonies
Large Neon green and purple prism favia
Branching Green duncan coral 3 heads
Red war coral- green eyes- blue streaks through colony
Unknown red w/ green eye'ed favia -
Blastomussa Ruby Red with Neon green centers (20 heads and growing)

Mushrooms and Ricordea-

Neon Green- 2 rocks
1 super orange Flordia Ricordea
2 Black and Green Blue Morpholigic Ricordea
Purple Ricordea rock
20 neon blue mushrooms
Zoos - Eagle eye, red, red otters green inners


Green Carpet (Haddoni)
2 Rose bubble tip ( had one and it split)
1 green purple maxi mini
1 lg purple long tentacle
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First thing: TURN OFF THE LIGHTS IN THE LIVE ROCK BIN! Get rid of them!
That will fix the "algae bloom" problem.
2nd. That skimmer is way too small for a 210
3rd, I would suggest you cover the corners of the tank with the same matching wood you are using on the stand. But make it removable for cleaning the glass...

But everything else looks great so far!
Thought I would post some updated pics.








The latest update I have for the reef as it matures is that I was able to replace the center brace that broke a few months back with another piece of glass and all looks good. All the livestock is doing well and I saw some sort of hatch happen last night. I was checking on my corals with a flash light and I notice a whole school of little swimmers against the glass that would follow the flashlight around. I wonder if my clowns could have spawned and I not know it ? I checked this evening and did not see them... They were probably food for my corals...

Things I am working on.. I am revamping my LED's by and UV Red and Green LEDs to help bring out some colors and spread the spectrum.

Still having leaky bulk head problems but I hope to have a solution for that very soon.

I contacted a cabinet maker about finishing my stand out in a furniture grade and hope to have that rolling in the next few weeks..