The Advantage of Two Tanks!


Premium Member
So, I got home today and algae and falling aqua sculpture pushed me over the edge. I took all my nicest, algae free zoos and put them in my other tank, pulled out most of my rock, discarded all the small pieces I came across and a few of the algae infested large ones. Redid my rock as nicely as possible without disturbing the sand bed and stirring the tank up too much. We'll see how much I messed up my tank in the next few days, but my nicest stuff is still in my small tank waiting to see how the rebuild went...

I'm sure it will do nothing but help my algae problem, NOT!!!!

I know you have to be patient with saltwater tanks, but sometimes I just can't do it!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8310953#post8310953 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
Bring over anything with algae on it. It will be clean in a matter of days.

tank is to big or I would.. :D