The Aquarium


Michael wagner
Well ladies and gentleman, boys and girls I stopped by the new and improved Albuquerque Aquarium errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Coral Island. This place was sick. They should start charging admission just to get in there. I was thoroughly impressed. It was well put together and freshly stocked. If i wouldn't have known better i would have thought they relocated the Great Barrier Reef right here in New Mexico. It looks like a real fish store from a big city. Prices were good too. I think the whole price war thing is working. It had just gotten in a fresh shipment of Coral Island T-shirts and even i was border lined ready to sport one of those bad boys. So pack up the wife and kids and tell the wife that you are taking them to the Albuquerque Aquarium. Spend the afternoon with the fun and friendly people at the new Coral Island. What you would have dropped on admission you could grab some livestock for your own aquarium. The wife will thank you, the kids will love you, and a good day will be had by all. So call the marriage counselor and cancel that appointment because Coral Island has single-handedly fixed that as well.

Oh yeah, you should probably stop by Southwest reef Co and say hi to them too. That is if you didn't buy a high quality acro at Coral Island and you need to get that beauty home and acclimated.
Anyway we will catch all of you bargain shoppers later.
Your comrades in aquatics,

"Beep, Beep, Beep D*%! f#@$ S#@$ Neptune."
Any idea what the final numbers are? such as total gallons, total tanks, seperated sumps or all joined? I will hopefully get a chance to check them out tomorrow, so if nobody knows I will probe them for the next newsletter. :)

Also, any idea when the shipment dates are and where they are comming from?
Well, I went to Coral Island yesterday and today to talk to them about a future article featuring the store, but to no avail, both times I have gone they have been closed, Guess Ill keep trying :(

has anybody been able to count up how many systems they have and how they are configured?
you haven't heard

you haven't heard

Aaaahhhhh bro you haven't heard, Coral Island moved. Their now located on Candelaria and the freeway; just down the street from Southwest Reef Company. They have a big sign out there you can't miss it. Their just in the early stages of gearing up, but looking good. Eric and Brian are there all of the time now. For all of you who haven't heard Brian from the Eastside Clark's is now with Coral island. Old boy is pretty much a walking saltwater encyclopedia. He's read just about every book and if you mention something that you saw online 9 times out of 10 he's read it. And the 1 out of 10 time he is the one that wrote it. This dude is sick, seasick that is. So stop on by or give him a call. I'm sure they would like having a feature article in the next newsletter. If you need any help with that newsletter let me know. I would thoroughly enjoy helping you out with a project along these lines. I also spoke with Rob this evening from Southwest Reef Company and he's got some exciting acro news for all of you acro nuts out there. So stay tuned I will be posting a thread featuring this soon, same fish time; same coral channel.
Your comrade in aquatics,
I got's to get my A$$ over there and visit the ex Clark's saltwater pro's!!!!! I can't imagine that place fully stocked now that would be a site to see! (what? the Aquarium is having a sale?) hahaaa Beep Beep Beep.....Sick is that yours or is it mine? LOL
Well, I finally got a chance to check out Coral Island. I have to say that I am really glad the "clarks" pros :) are there. the tanks were clean and fairly well stocked. Prices were really good, I picked up a decent sized condy for $13.98 (couldn't resist... :) )

Anyway, I can see the place coming together and crazy4acros is right, when that place is fully stocked they will definitely have a great selection.

its Worth a visit for sure, I am very pleased so far. :D
Hey Thor! Is that a Neptune pager in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? Let me know when you're going to head that way I’ll meet your A$$$$$$$ there. Maybe we could head to TD's. after Oops, i mean Ted Dancen's and grab a couple of cold ones. You know the RockStar (Eric from Coral Island) is always down for that. I think Ted Dancen's would be perfect if it only had an aquarium! But those girls look pretty good under 20,000 k actinics. So it all good
Your comrade in aquatics
Hey sick maybe u need to calibrate those probes seems like ur doing alot of beeping hehehe. Wish I had a Neptune LOL.
Ahman Green, what do you mean???? just put some new batteries in you Nep pager and you'll be set! LOL but yeah sick i think you need to re cal your system, too many false warning! LOL I find it easier to have my Neptune set to the email option so i can monitor while at work. Hahahahaaaa U guys are too much! DAMN REEF GEEK'S.
you guys are right that place is freakin HUGE!!!!!! and just talkin with Clay and Eric they plan to add something like 2000 more Gallons of wet space....two large display tanks(like 720's or something), 4or 5 125's and assorted 60's....... it will will be insane when its finished......the moral of the story is that between the three new stores(SWRC, CI, And emperors reef) the selection of salt water goodies in ABQ is about to go through the roof....
