The BIG Software/Firmware announcement!!!!


New member
We are pleased to announce the highly anticpated new ProfiLux firmware and software has been released :beer: This is the stepping stone to the future of ProfiLux.

Firmware 5.02f and ProfiLuxControl

can be downloaded here:


that's new:
- moon symbol on the display (affects ProfiLux 3 only)
- email notification (affects ProfiLux 3 only)
- time synchronization with SNTP (affects ProfiLux 3 only) What is SNTP? (Simple Network Time Protocol)
- new tokens for creating dynamical web pages (affects ProfiLux 3 only)
- support for PLM-DALI and PLM-2L4S in expansion box (affects ProfiLux 3 only)
- remote control over ProfiLuxControl for ProfiLux 3
- removed bug: settings night decrease and controller activity disappeared after reset
- up to 16 current pumps controllable (affects ProfiLux 3 only)
- night decrease for temperature now up to 5°C adjustable
- RSS-Feed (affects ProfiLux 3 only)

Important notes:- The firmware and software has gone through rigorous global user Beta testing and has proved to be very stable with no known bugs but as ever with GHL releases the release will remain in Beta-status for a few weeks - bugs can't be excluded!

IMPORTANT Save all settings and sensor data before the update and load them back after the update!

SUPPORT QUESTIONS - ALL support questions must be posted here this is more so important as I will be away for most of August.


GHL have decided to launch 5.02 without the new webinterface because there are already massive changes in 5.02 so it is necessary to do this in 2 steps - we all want a stable and reliable firmware - that's why changes should come in steps, I am sure everybody can understand and accept this.

5.03 will have the new webinterface, it will be launched approx. in 5 days when no major problems with 5.02 BETA occur

let's first test 5.02f which offers a lot of new functions!
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upgrade went smooth, no issue at all!!!! I lke new profilux control!:)

PS. michael, still the same issue with tunze:(
upgrade went great, now my eX board actually works and I can return my unit to service after being down of 7 months. Now its eco-tech module, time.
:confused: There is absolutely nothing within the upgrade that effects the EX board, but what ever issue you had is now resolved anyway ;) .

Glad everyone is enjoying the "next" step ;)

More to come!
Ooooooh exciting... I'm looking forward to having my 6 Korallias all working as seperate pumps.. Guess I knwo what I am doing tonight!
Latest news on software expansion related to Ecotech is you will not lose any Ecosmart functionality at all this will be incorporated in the ProfiLux software so you can run either GHL settings or Ecosmart

Now we start to see the power of ProfiLux!!
That is very good news!

I have a quick question, with the expansion of up to 16 current pumps is this simply an expansion of the current "2 pump groupings" or have extra pump groups been added? Either way is still fine, just curious how it was implemented.