The Cardinals are in, Pods and IPSF Critter Update


New member
...and they're IN!


There was a bit of a scuffle when Guybrush (♂ Clown) and Miria (♀ Cardi) went for the same piece of food ...score 1 Cardis... but other than that, things went smoothly. In the last few days Guybrush has even taken to swimming alongside the Cardis and Marley has been letting them surprisingly close to her nem. Yay!

The lump on Miria's lip went back down, but now she has a similar white blemish on her left pectoral fin:


Not really sure what's going on there, but she's swimming fine and eating like a pig, so hopefully it will just go away on it's own.

Since the cardis left the nano, the pod population has EXPLODED! The glass is crawling with big fat isopods! :eek1: (Pardon the dirty glass, I've been leaving it unscrubbed so I don't disturb them.)


I've started periodically harvesting them with a small net (not easy!) and transferring what I can catch into the sump of the 144g. I hope my one-day mandarin will appreciate the effort!! :lol:

Speaking of mini-critters; time for a "Where are they now...?" IPSF critter update!

Bristle worms - I'm sure they're being creepy in there somewhere...

Pods - Spotted this large Amphipod last week hitching a ride from a dwarf cerith.


If I move the shower poufs around in the sump I notice a definite increase in pods in the DT about a minute later, so I *think* the fake chaeto is working.

Spaghetti Worms - These guys will squirm out of the sand in various places. Here's one (some?) that breached next to a dwarf cerith:


Sandbed clams - MIA but presumably they're still munching their way around the sandbed.

Nerite Snails - There's still a few of these guys around but I've noticed quite a few empty shells too. It's possible they starved due to the tank being quite new.

Strombus Grazers - These guys are GREAT! I haven't noticed any dead ones and they are always cleaning. From the way they look I'd assumed they would be mainly in the sand with the nassicais snails, but they love cleaning the glass. They never get stuck upside down and apparently there's a good chance they'll breed in the tank! The perfect snail! Highly recommended!


Image from

Micro/Zebra Hermits - Still love these little guys! They're really fast and get all over the place.


Comet/Asterina Stars - I see them from time to time.

Mini Brittle Stars - I haven't seen any of these guys but I guess they'd be pretty well camouflaged against the rocks. I hope they're doing OK.

Large Bristle Star - Stayed by the first rock it crawled under for weeks, but I just realized while writing this that it's not there anymore.