the end of the world

Not uncommon to see these guys vault into the air, I probably see them at least once every two trips when I launch from Crandon Park in Biscayne Bay. I've even seen a manta about 6 feet across vault out of the water about 5 feet high, almost come to a pause, then circle down to nose dive back into the water. Most amazing thing I've seen out there yet. I think it's common enough that every once in a blue moon, one's liable to end up in a boat. Unfortunately, she probably wigged, slipped, fell on the stinger and hit her head at the same time. Probably could've happened to anyone.
It was MURDER! We must find Aquaman and arrest him before he sends another helpless animal to their deaths murdering another human! He's the aquatic version of Manson!
Years ago speeding down a canal near Dolphins Stadium a mullet jumped right in front of my boat and smacked onto my windshield. My friend was cruising in the ocean and a mackerel jumped into his boat. At least his was a mackerel, he had it for dinner. My mullet didn't stick around to find out what I would do with him. :D
Believe it or not I have actually had a school of mahi mahi jump into my was just like the bud light commercial where the guy pops open the can and the fish start jumping in.....except my opening was with Bacardi Limon.

really though....we had a school around the boat and they were going crazy over the fish oil and thing I know a fish jumps in the boat, then two, then three and that was it.....craziest thing I ever saw out there....good dinner though!!