The Look....the feel.....of


Premium Member

Hey's Saturday morning and I just had some brain is stirring and I just thought I would toss this out to the sharks and see what they think... :eek:

I was looking at my recently converted to BB tank and I must say that it doesn't look all that aesthetically pleasing at this point in time....sand just looks better IMO...

So I was thinking of a possible solution that I am sure others might find some problems with....which is why I am posting see if it might work or to see if someone else has done it and what the results were.

We all know about the lifespan of DSB's and how they will crash over time.....even if you have a SSB you still need to maintain it as it will collect debris or you can't blast water around for fear of a sand storm.

Here is my idea for a system:

1) HEAVY SKIMMING per the BB methods.
2) Extreme water circulation per the BB methods in the main tank.
3) Lastly......close your eyes......use of undergravel filter plates in reverse with a very thin layer of very course substrate. Have the main return pump flow water under the UG plates up through the THIN coarse gravel layer back into the main system. The return water should have a pre filter of some kind to remove all large particulates that did not get captured via skimming.

If the water is polished before going to the UG plates it will greatly reduce debris collection. If the gravel is course and in a thin layer (just enough to hide the plates)...then it will be very difficult for debris to accumulate over time.....this way you will have the look of sand without the issues usually involved maintaining it.

The thought is that this "sand bed" doesn't serve as a filtration bed but rather it is just for looks and will keep itself clean by flowing clean water out of it rather than flowing dirty water into it.....again....the trick is flowing clean water under the plates....using a very thin layer of substrate, and the substrate should be very course so that it lets water flow through it with ease.....

OK away.... :uzi: ....I'll be ducking under my computer desk.... :bum:
This must be the greatest idea ever as everyone is speechless... :dance:

Just kidding......anyone care to comment? Am I crazy?
I think you should give the bare look some time and see if it grows on you. Are you running starboard or did you piant the under/outside of your tank white? Both help the look if you ask me

If you still don't like it, just throw in a SSB. The whole UG thing is asking for trouble. The SSB should not be that much work just siphon it every so often. Imho there are so many proven ways that work and are simple unless your bored why risk something unproven/disproven? (This is where someone will chime in about how great UG's are)
OMG UG"S are AWESOME!!! What are you thinking???? :)
Sounds like it could work, but I like the look of fine sand, not corse so it probably wouldnt be for me. It would look cool with some black volcanic pumus rock gravel or something......that would be awesome......