The Official FMAS website - check it out!

Thanks to those that put their own effort into making "our" site.

I went to the site and logged in. I didn't see much of a difference between logging in and not logging in. The only thing I found once I logged in was that I could renew my membership. Is that the only thing the log in was set up for?

Also - once logged in, it was hard to tell that I was logged in since it appeared the same as before. Not even a "log out" button anywhere.

I'm basically just wondering if there is any reason to log in when visiting the site if you don't need to renew.
Just went to the site again and found a bug I think.

I hit the current events at the bottom of a page (not the top) and the calendar was blank.
If you click the "current events" tab at the bottom of the page, wait a few seconds for it to load. Then you will see the events. Click on the event and currently the details and the poster will be shown. Check it out - nice way to get the information out to our members!
I'll have to try it at home. It doesn't work on my Blackberry at alll. Looks like it tries to open 4 or 5 windows and you see them staggered.
OK - There does seem to be a minor glitch in the Current Events. Sometimes, but not all the time, when I hit Current Events from the bottom OR the top of the page, it draws a blank. (yes, I'm allowing it sufficient time to load)

I have discovered though that if I refresh the page, it appears correctly.
Forgot password?

Forgot password?

Enter your email address, then click Forgot Your Password?
A temporary password will be sent to your email address with further instructions. You can use the temporary password to log in and review your contact info, renew your membership, etc. We suggest you change the password in the membership form and make a note of it. If you ever forget your password, just follow these instructions again.
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yeah i got in..the only question is this:
How can i upgrade my membership from single to family without paying the $30.00?
if its not possible i'll just pay the xtra $10.00 at the next meeting or at the bowling event.
is that o.k?
Visited the web site and look good to me.

I searched the LFS Finder tool and visited a few of the ones listed.

Two of the stores listed where no longer at the location stated in the database:
  1. Coral Sea Pets
  2. Fish Empire
Not sure if these two stores moved to a different address or just shut down. Either way, the database should be updated.

Thank You And Have Fun!!!;
You guys REALLY need a log out button on the site.

I logged in earlier and even though I've been off the site for hours, I'm still logged in when I go back.

I can't pay for the scuba cert being logged in.