The Real vs The Fake of SUPERMAN monti


New member
the real superman is

the fake superman are


Is talking about TRUE Danae forms or not.

The second looks like Mollis or something. what do you guys think..

WHATS WEIRD is I bought a frag of the second Montipora species a while back and it is growing well.. but really strange, it has trasformed colors...

It has a red base with red polyps .. some of the polyps have turned almost gold.. and some have turned green.

there is only a spot of purple on the frag now.. ITS REALLY weird how this has transformed.

anyone see this too?
yep. im pretty sure that its a mollis, mine did the color change too. its because its used to much brighter light being propagate in shallow water
Here's some pics of some other "fake" supermans, I mean if you're going to bash a particular coral for being a "fake" might as well get something that's a little more similar to what you original posted ;)


I have both as well and and the mollis turned much more purple in color than the danae. The mollis came in as Surabaya aquacultured.
So what are the distinquishing characteristics of the superman then??? What should we watch out for/avoid?