The TBRC needs you - Board of Directors elections at October meeting


Active member
It is time to elect a new BOD to lead the TBRC. If you are interested in running for any of the positions, please post here, or send me a PM if you have any questions. In order to run for office you must be a member in good standing and have attended 4 meetings this calendar year.

The 5 BOD positions are: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and membership director. Although the by-laws allow for a combination of the secretary and treasurer positions if necessary.

I know there are a lot of people on the forum that have ideas of which direction they want the club to go. Well, here is your chance to act on your ideas.

In order to grow and thrive, the TBRC needs people that are willing to take some responsibility and put some effort into the club.

So if you have any questions or would like to run for any of the positions, please let us know.

Thank you,
So, I've been planning on attending this meeting. It would be my first. I'm curious what to expect? Is this just a board election meeting and that's it? I'm not trying to knock the importance of having such a meeting, but driving from Palm Harbor to Wesley Chapel just to watch board members be elected may not be the best choice for my first meeting, especially since I haven't joined yet and would not have a vote. Granted I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and seeing what these meetings are all about, I'm just curious if I should look forward to the next meeting.
The election really will be a small part of the meeting. The real fun is everyone getting together, eating some great food and talking about their tanks plus seeing our zoo. I would suggest this meeting given that the Nov event is in Nokomis so if WC is too far, that is a hike for sure. Still working out Dec's meeting but please come, you won't be disappointed.
Ok, I'll be there. I just wanted to double check. So if I'm to bring a side dish, how much should I bring? Or in other words, for how many people?
If you bring something for about 10 people, we'll be fine. I am cooking stuff because it is here at our house and we always have plenty of food.