The web site is now live and running....


New member
Good news, I finally got the site up and running. The link on RC works as well. It is not 100% finished yet, as I need to get some more pics and such. The site is Have Fun
The web site looks great.Keep up the good work.
Hope to make it to some of the meeting this year,that is if i don't have to work. Next time you hear from Craig tell Bob said hi and that I'll e-mail him my pics.

Good luck with the site.
Hey Phil,

The site is lookin' good. What else do you have planned for the site. Please let know, if I can be of any assistance.

Well Rob now that you mention it I was going to get a hold of you about some of that. But I plan on doing a TOTM type deal where we have pics posted from the meeting, and the hosts tank. Along with a little thing from the host describing their system and hobby experience.

Also I have been thinking about our on forum on the site, some type of slide show or at least a link to one

Now I have to get the flyers printed off to put in the LFSs. Broadway, Klaus, Petware House, and Sea Dwellers said I could get them in the store. I plan on trying to get the Tshirt prices finalized this week, and for a special I found a company that I can get beer can coolers done for the club fairly cheap. I like my cold beer.
Just one question...will these beer coolers be available for bottled beer because everyone knows no good beer comes from cans! :)
THAT would be great but they are more money. I am all about cheaper is better right now. The best I can find is about $3 a kozzie with a min order of 25. Most places want at least a min order of 100+. I do agree though, bottle is better.
I just want to try to keep this towards the top. I have seen lots of new names on the site, and want people to be able to check our site out. So please help me keep it at the top