The Western Marine Conference is Coming


New member
For all those that have procrastinated or had some excuse for not signing up already, the WMC2006 is only 3 weeks away!

For those that don't know what I am talking about - check out the link - - and you will see that the finest reef conference this side of the Mississippi is being held in Sacramento on April 21 - 23. We have 12 of the finest speakers from across the United States in attendance. If you want to hear, Eric Borneman, Anthony Calfo, David Cripe, Bob Fenner, Sanjay Joshi, Scott Michaels, Mike Paletta, Adelaide Rhodes, Steve Robinson, Walt Smith, Leng Sy, and Rob Toones, and rub elbows with them, then you need to attend.

The giant raffle will tentatively have a 130 G. tank with stand, smaller tanks, light fixtures, skimmers, pumps, plus lots of dry goods. We also have over 50 coral colonies that will be raffled.

We will have a large vendor area where they will be selling livestock, corals and dry goods.

The final day to register online is April 15. Please if you are planning on coming, please register so we can get a count for the t-shirts and the banquet. You must signup for the banquet by April 15.
Carib-Sea is donating a pallate's worth of goodies like live sand and additives.

PE Mysis is donating $3K worth of food for all you finiky eaters.

TruVu has donated an 25 galon acrylic stand and tank system complete with the true wet/dry built into the back.

Pacific Garden Supply is donating their ENTIRE booth display with their new models of Luminarc DE and Mini A/C fixtures just so they won't have to take it home with them.

CPR is donating skimmers and refugiums.

Reef Nutrition is donating Pods, Macro, Phyto, Roti, and bags to put your WMC schwag in.

Island Marine Tropicals is donating $1K worth of mini colonys.

Coral Reef Eco Systems is kicking in MH bulbs.

Tropical Reef Oasis is donating some sa-weeet rare and limited edition frags.

These are just the things I can recall off the top of my head. Max also wants to sell the Zero-Edge tank he's having built at the end of the conference so he won't have to cart it home. There's going to be some super deals on livestock and drygoods so if you're thinking $130 is too much cash for a conference of this magnitude, then you probably won't want to win all this cool stuff either.
