Thinking about adding more tangs


New member
Hi all, I currently have a purple and yellow tangs in a approx 800ltr tank, my purple has been doing a little chasing around of the yellow tang, nothing too serious yet but was thinking if there was maybe 3 or more yellows in there he wouldn't focus in on just the one, will this just wind him up more and will this also wind up the yellow, I ain't just wanting to add the extra yellows cause of the chasing just would really like to add a few more tangs.

Thanks all.

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First of all welcome to RC. A little chasing is not going to hurt if there is no shredding of fins? You are always going to have a dominate fish. In my 180 I have a juvenile Emperor and a Black Tang that are dominate to a pair of regal angelfish and two purple tangs. But when it comes to feeding time all they do is eat up the food like vacuum cleaners. They have been together for almost a year. In your case adding more tangs to a tank where you have existing well established tangs may create a problem, the purple and yellow may become great buddies to destroy the new invaders to there territory?
It's kind of a "dilution effect" you're trying to accomplish. I think it could work and the purple may just chase all of them a little bit. It's possible that is also just stops chasing altogether. The best bet may be to try and split your tank in half, keeping all of the yellow tangs on one side and the purple on the other. Using egg crate works well as it doesn't interrupt flow and allows the fish to see one another. It's also super easy provided your rocks allow for it. This worked very well for me when adding new tangs to an established tank that already had a resident tang. Keep us updated on the progress/decision.
Thanks for the advice guys, think I am going to hold off for now I don't want to encourage an unhappy tank and there are plenty of other beautiful fish out there that should be safe.
Thanks again all for your input.

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